OMGosh! McFly are playing, for free in Blackpool tomorrow night!!

Im working!

Soooo... shall i pull a sicky to go watch the lights switch-on?
Hmmmm... confused

Positives -->

* Get to see McFly.
* Its free.
* Get to see the new lights before i leave.
* Can go to the Tache for a couple of hours after.
* Little Lizzie is going.

Negatives -->...
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i have the remix
im not giving it you
because i have the remix
you can buy my tragedy
this sucks
you suck
i hate students.
Check yer inbox biggrin
Id really like to know what this means...

"a comfy non sexual relationship... yes please..."

It's been bugging me for a couple of days now.

Email me.

please, stop stalking me. wink

its actually nothing, its a sarcastic reply to a comment made in the pub that night that i could never last a chaste relationship.
--> Hahaha Kareoke night was a scream.

--> I didnt sing...i think thats a good thing though. confused

--> I got a new watch and jumper yesterday.

--> Im going to see Fireapple Red on Wednesday...woop-woop! biggrin I heart gigs at the Star and Garter soooo much, they're generally very D.I.Y.

--> Decided we might aswell move my shit up in one of the work vans, so...
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The beach party was pretty rad, but im wasted now. In the tired sense of the word, not the 'i was drinking on the job' sense of the word. tongue

I wore a nice hawaiian-ish shirt ive had for ages, but to be honest, it was pulling a bit accross the boobies, so i had creases coming out of the button. So, like any sensible...
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theres often a misconception that drunk men are incredibly sleazy. the truth is, with the consumption of alcohol, the subconscious mind enters a retrograde state, and the more primal and basest of urges, the survival of the human race, becomes much more important. the same happens in the female, only dancing seems to take priority.

so take note, that the next time someone requests the removal of undergarments for "a quick swatch ah yer tits", they're not being offensive, they're being human.

and on that note, will ye? tongue
um... i clicked twice. EL SUICIDO LOCO

[Edited on Aug 28, 2005 10:03AM]

Fanny has my amazing undies in her new set...i heart them so much! She's tres hawt in them...wish i was so pale, im always going to have this yellow-ish tinge. whatever


I went to a friends 19th on Monday and drank plenty of Champagne.

Hibbs was there telling me he got drunk at a charity auction a couple of...
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Have fun on Sunday and spare a thought for those of ust who're rostered on to work!
The sun has got his hat on biggrin

Ive went for a loooooong bicycle ride today and got some granola and yoghurt.

Thats all really but im in a very jolly mood.
Will start getting tips at the Ship on friday.

2 weeks and 5 days till holidays!
Enjoy your holiday...oh I have a big stick tooo wink
i am going to let that message go as a drunken text, a very drunken text.

but yes - thankyou for the tickets, i am glad i get to go see them with you, and i am happy that i know what my birthday present is, or atleast part of it..

im so so sorry that i didnt thank you before. yeah... whatever
I nearly walked out of work last night. frown
It sounds fucking pathetic but i couldnt keep up and was on the verge of tears all night.
Its mainly cause i feel so bad at the end when everyone has to clear up and it takes ages cause all the glasses arent in.
But i didnt leave.
I have another 6 nights there, I cannot give...
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Nice things have been happening...

--> New F4AF album arrived.
--> So did my new plugs.
--> I got asked out for the 1st time evar.
--> Had an excellent night last night.
--> I got to work the till today.

Moving to Glasgow one month today biggrin
whats your point.

how was your date with the irish bloke aye?
Haha, well now...

I was going to treat anybody who bothers to look at my drivel to a nice picture update. However, my sissy left the camera-->computer cable in Espana, dick. The pictures would have been of a) me looking a prick in sunglasses b) a really giant caterpillar i saw in the garden yesterday, and c) something else i thought up on the spot....
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Nice plugs
Yey! I had an excellent 2 days in Glasgow with the excellent __foreverlost__.

We stayed at my friends new flat, ate really nice pizza and went to the park in the day, and went to the Cathouse at the night time. It was being refurbished tho, so only one floor was open, and Lisa wasnt feeling well, so not a brilliant night all round....
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hahahaha crapping it

they like you