ok i guess its time to update again im still all ehh about not talking to them but better that than being thought i was a stalker weirdo i mean seriously what the hell was i gonna say. OH well moving on as usual there is drama with me and girls but when is there not. I badly wanna start a band I wanna play...
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no, FUCK YOU! biggrin *skips away*
booyah last night was le awesome i went to the SGBT i was love the whole night all the girls are WAY WAY hotter in person i was ok i can die now. Also most of them are way shorter than i thought they would be or maybe im just a giant. I really wish i would have talked to them the only one i had...
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ive been online since lunch and no sign of kevin the terrible. *stomps on ur toes*
Did you go to a hot rod show a little while ago?

Also, you are right, the Suicide Girls are alot shorter in person.

I talked to Reagan but I think I just creeped her out. So now I'm wishing I didn't talk to her.
BAh bad times im really feeling like the social d soong "When She Begins" thats me there in a nut shell again. I wonder if she will read this. SO ya i know im going to be a little emo so what. But ya im totally confused now in I want to do in my love life and i feel like if everything i do...
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this is very strange this is the first time that i update so often man what the hell is happenign to me HAHA. anyways my life still remains boring yawn.yesterday i met the coolest person in the world her and her attractive friends yay i wonder what they thought.we basically just fucked off and walked around the lbc for a while it was cool. the...
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yeah we haven't talked in awhile, everything is good here. i just haven't felt like being online lately.
hello hero hello hello. sometimes i wonder why i even bother to update probably no ones gonna see it anyway. so ya i went to three days worth of shows woop woop first the warped tour. It was cool despite the fact that i went with my too good to be chill ex gf whatever. ya alot of bands there was awesome but i was...
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sorry my aim has to suck lately frown but look! we're talkin now tongue how have you been??
Nice pics. smile

Well lets see a bunch of shit has happened since last time i updated this.Lets see where to begin ok first of all on june 8th my son ethan was born he is so tiny :-) but me and his mama decided to give him to a kick ass family who arent a bunch of fuck ups. Oh i started talking to my babys mama...
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u right run-on sentences!!!! *points* hahahah! j/k good to see an update from ya kiss
Dancing with the suicides razor blades and cutter knives skull
miss chattin with ya. i havent forgotten you though! tongue
update your journal loser
finally something interesting happens biggrin went to american nightmare it was fucking awesome the bands where good and i yes i got pulled up on stage when phathom rockers did sex and violence i was given the mic oh yes. HA i got my tongue pierced again sweetness.THey say not to kiss when you have a new tongue piercing oops HAHAHA.UMmm uum moh yes i may...
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boredom reigns in the world of this beast someone please help me and ill give ya a cookie no no you know what two cookies wink .
nice 'hawk bebe. kiss
YEsterdays tiger army show was good i was actually impressed by the business those guys really know how to get a crowd going biggrin. FUcking punk voter thing today how dare they be canceled assholes HAHA. TOday i got my ticket for american night mare sweetness BOOHAHAHA anyways blah more to come on the day that ya. EL SUICIDO LOCO
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