Finally settled in "pretty much", started school and ready for SG again.
Sorry I have been out of touch so long.
Playing hooky today to catch up on laundry and such.
Well gotta go, more later.
This time next week I will be on day 2 of my cross-country oddessey to OH. I will be driving 6-8 hours per day for a week moving me, my S.O. 2 cats and all of our crap. Heaven help us. If people could, you know, send us good vibes or pray or what ever you do that would be great. I am so not...
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thanks for the comment on my hopefull set : )
Things are beyond crazy. We are living with the S.O's parents awaiting the move and her mother is not stable. She threatens to kick us out, threatens to retract help that was promised monetary and otherwise.

On the up side no IBS attacks today and I got to actually help a friend with her horse in a farrier like manner.

Getting more and more excited...
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So I put in my two weeks because I am moving to Ohio. I was at work and my IBS kicked in hard. I was on a call and the customer became beligerent. Well, between being short time and the cramps I hung up on the caller and emailed him saying, "You can be an ass and so can I."
Log story short he called...
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its a skit my mom sent me, not too sure where its from, but i liked it.
I have no idea who that is. I get compared to Wyona Rider and the girl from this one horror movie, I can't remember the title, where the girl commited a lot of homocides and kept their pretty parts, and reattached them...
Well it is official. I am excited, terrified, exhausted damn. I am moving on May 19th to Ohio to go to school in West Virginia. I know I will love my new vocation but I am really worried about between now and when I can actually start. Zan is really stressed...she is very type "A" and I am not. So she is going to teach...
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I just got back from putzing around with my forge. I had to knock off much earlier than I wanted because I developed a nasty headache that started making me nauseus (sp). I am just learning to use it and it is great fun. I have a nearly unlimited supply of used horseshoes. I am making letter openers, hoof picks, hooks and other small simple...
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thank you for your comment on my new set! xoxo
there's nothing wrong with carnal wink
thank you for your comment, it means a lot to hear people liked the set!
I was looking for the "Insy Winsy Spider" set but I acn not remember who did it. Could someone please message me with the SG's name.
To add pictures... cut the link you want; Ctrl C, the go to where you want to post it. Type [IMG] link, then begin bracket /IMG end bracket and you'll be able to post photos.
My anvil and forge came today I am filled with butterflies and joy.
I just got my business license and opened my bank acounnt for my business. I am a little freaked out.

Also I have never "blogged" before.