well finaly got another job but it's another temp with somewhat of probability to hire though not technicly. Over the past few months I've been trying to get work with this company called ACS. They mostly work with communication technology and data entry stuff like that. From what some freinds tell me, they'll work your but off but you get solid pay and good benefits(even...
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I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
thanks for liking my set MEOW!
Nevermnd ITT tech, they want 40K for an associates degree, fuck that. Still looking into some of the other schools available.
Wow, and I thought I had it bad... hope you find something soon smile
Looks as though I'll be going back to school as it is. Even though I would like to give someof my employers a chance to ring up but fuck it, I've waited around too much to do something other than waste all day playing video games and watching Maury. Going for an associates degree in computer drafting & design. It mean I'll have to stay...
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Hoping to hear back from a new job working data entry for Homeland Security. Sounds scary but I don't think it's going to get more fucked up than it already is. Job pays good and get all kinds of benefits, even pet insurence. My cat Panthro would realy like that. If not, I could also hear back from Alltel for the poisiton of phone rep....
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It's with a private company that has a contract with the gov that working for. The company I'm working for is ACS, they got all kinds of jobs.
pet insurance? I had no idea that existed! for 6/6/6 I got really trashed. I guess it was like any other day...too bad, I had high hopes of bible burning and such. Maybe on the next 6/6/6....yeah. hmm...
Got called for an interview for a data entry. Despite having the job location itself being less than five minutes from my house, I have to drive an hour south for the interview. Sounds stupid but hell, might as well make the effort while I still have the means to do so.
I hope this works cause it's getting up to a year since I...
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well it was going to be horse the band, but they canceled. so it was foxy shazam and some crappy emo bands.
Back to driving my own car again, after a month of waiting on hearing about the title, driving an hour down to deleverince to pick it up and getting it done, I can finaly ride my Taurus without fear getting ticketed.
I understand the whole process of having a tag to be able to keep track of verhicles but Christ, why do I have to...
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I think its really good to be busy though, I never feel I am doing enough because there are so many things that could use my attention.You will appreciate it so much when you do have the time to sit down and read. Enjoy Magic!
Things must come to end, as in my temp job as an editor. Quite a shame as I realy did liked the job and the folks I worked with. I could be working at Alltell for inside sales depending if they call me.
Last Thursday I went up to see Inflames, Nevermore, Evergrey and Throdown. The show was great except for Throdown, an run of...
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ARGH! Where was that show? Somehow I always manage to miss In Flames shows frown
okay I have a rant to make, I hate it when I meet people at bars, even ones that I've met and known since highschool invite me over to their place when the bars close and not only give me bad directions but also fail to answer the FUCKING CELL PHONE even when they give me the number. I've met with so me freinds, the...
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this oh so wonderful legal system of ours

this last fall I had to get a new car cause my Saturn, car gods rest it soul, couldn't go no more. With the money that my parents set up to make a down payment to finance a good car was used to buy a 94 Ford Tarus from this one lady that lived on EKU(happen to...
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Damn, that is really fucked up, hope you get it all cleared soon.
an uneventful even at work and got top 4th at a magic tourney, sounds like it would of been a good day? It would of

a close freind of mine, Kelly got in a serious wreck the night before and I herd the news. It's not fatal but she is seriously injured with a misplaced disc and bruised spinal cord. Worst of all she was...
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ugh, I fucking HATE it when people do that. mad Im glad she's ok though, maybe she learned something.
I'm baaaaaaaack

Been an unexpectd month long absence due to money and connection issues, so here's the low down.

1.I'm in a new band,Abyzma I put the link in the profile or hell, just click here. Basicily it's female fronted Goth metal im the vein of Lacuna Coil, Epica, Nightwish, etc.

2. Got a temp job editing videos of engines getting taken apart and...
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welcome back. will check out your band soon. Ahaha all an experience for working on movies. Hopefully not to much longer and you'll get your weekends again.
Welcom back biggrin
I'll be off til this Saturday as I've had more important bills to pay than this one. So I'll be back with a new job, provided I still have it.(vaccum cleaner salesman by the way)