went and saw the new batman movie today, it was pretty kick ass. Went to chillis and stuffed myself and still have something to eat for lunch tomorrow!! yup, rachel and her hubby were supposed to go with us but they were having some issue that I didn't know about , so this was the second time someone flaked out on me. The first...
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kiss *HUGS*
Trippler is a big ass place. I had my little girl there. Whos your prenatal doctor?
Need to change that picture... smile Anyway, things are getting a little better, I no longer have a cold, just an occasional runny/stuffy nose. The only bad part is I am hungry every hour or so. eeek So a continueous stream of veggies and occasional sweets grace my pallet...I feel alot calmer after I did the whole 'mood swing' thing...(which apparently no one mentioned to me that...
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glad yer feeling a lil better
hey you have a kiddo smile
hahaha thats funny checking the closets
i know the feeling my mothers ocd tendencies have me scared apeshit of storms and stuff now
and hell i used to LIKE storms!
wow. ouch that sounds painful.
the boobs anywho but i guess hubby doesnt mind eh tongue
hrm. orange hair woohoo hahaha.
hahahah cheetos......hahaha omgomgomg that was just wrong.
eh not boring tongue
funny smile
that's good you feel better. I'm with you. I know all about what you're dealing with. Before you know it the months will fly by, and you'll be delivering. Do you know what you are going to name the baby if it is a boy or girl? If you happen to need someone to talk to, or have any questions about anything I will be here for you to help as best as I can. xoxo smile
Well ladies and gentlemen of SG I just offically found out today that I am an expectant mother. Whoo! THat's too goddamn weird!! eeek No, I am happy about it and so is my family and my husband's family too. The husband himself is a little "goofy" at the moment, it's like extreme happiness jumbled in with insainity. The downer is that I turn 21 in...
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Congrads sweety. You should be able to take some Tylenol. When I was preg. the doc told me that Tylenol is the only thing mild enough, and safe enough to take while pregnant. smile Non caffeineated green tea may help your cold, too. kiss
Razed in Black, No doubt you stay from Hawaii Cuzin! hehe
I will write something later today!! i promise!!! need sleep badly!!!! skull skull
HOTTNESS>>> Beat your pussyblackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!! blackeyed miao!!
Lame ass...SLEEP WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!!!!! Oh, by the way, my car is broke dick, might be getting a different one here soon.
hullo all,
goddam it's been a while! well I hope all is good in the land of SG! just watching Strangeland and thinking about my mom, who is acting like Constantine...drives herself to the ER at 3am because she is having chest pain, drives herself home. Doctors told her no smoking and no salt. She gets in the car and lights a cigarette and eats...
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yeahhhh Foamy!
YEY-YAH! Anyway...hopefully I can get the car fixed this weekend and the phone paid off next weekend, so shit should be all squared away, only problem is I'll be broke as a fucking joke, again. But, on top of all that, if you haven't seen star wars 3 yet, we need to go do that, because I've been working since fuckin....uhh....2 saturdays ago. It sucks. But, I am going to a titty bar next saturday, so, yeah, lol, you should join me! Anyway, PEACE OUT! Tell Rachel I'm gonna throw her in the bushes because it's cold!
hullo eveyone...sorry it's been a while...the husband just came back a little while ago...so i have been fairly busy wink wink but i also just wanted a change of scenery for now..i will update when i have something of worth writting about! love THE LORD AND MASTER....FOAMY kiss kiss kiss
i got the red light saber (deluxe collectible).

i am gonna try and get a photo of me with it.

Nice new pic, or old i've been gone alot. Sexy sith!?! wink
*some what singing* I have no attention span right now!

yes sirey bob! I cannot sit still! why?......I don't know! My cat woke me up this morning at 11:30am which I normally get up at 3pm..so I am going to be tired as fuck later! While my room mate natty still slumbers peacefully! well it's problably getting too hot to sleep. (that's why I'm up...
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Not as drunk as meeeeeeee!!!! LOL!!!! I am the Lush of the Irish!!!!! hehehehe biggrin biggrin kiss
Hello matey. I saw your pic on Sitka's page, was interested, thought I'd say hi smile I have to compliment you on your tats (and all the other pics), the chaos symbol is gorgeous love
What's the reward? wink
Allrighty then...what did I do this weekend?? Oh yeah! GOT DRUNK! lol I'm turning into a lush! Anyway I'm just kinda blah right now cause everything is coming to a close. I mean my free time cause the significant other is coming back from deployment in a few weeks! I mean don't get me wrong...I have a ccomplished alot that I never thought I would...I...
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Damn sounds str8t up fun.
Haa haaaa, thanks for the visual!!!!! lmao tongue
Ok, I am in a paticular bad mood. Okay, I finally found the number to get ahold of an old flame. I haven't seen in him in two years! I mean I wasn't calling him to rekindle it, just to see how he was doing....It was great to finally hear from him but I wanna slap him if he said what he said to me...
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Well, may hair is red and short again. I'm just sitting here so scared about how things are going to be when my husband gets back that I have myself wishing that I wasn't married. I don't doubt that it's that I am married to the wrong guy, I just doubt that I should of gotten married so young. I mean I almost got married...
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Biscuits....hmm, now im hungry.I love you Crystal!!!!!!!!! Anyways, talk to you later

kiss kiss biggrin
its painful yet true and unavoidable. so many chances that one may have through time disapear never to be seen again. only if you could go back and make those decisions, or the right choices.

well.. luckily you don't have to go back through time, because you know.. history repeats itself. from now on you can make those choices.

oh god and marriage.. well, i think those are crazy ideas. but good luck anyways wink
Man, how long has it been since I updated??? Anyway, how's things going in the land of SG while I have been away??
Okay, taking a few friends to dinner this friday, so that outta be fun! Hopefully fun and not a disaster!!! tongue After that I planned on gettin inked for the last time before the husband unit comes back at the end of next...
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howz the art?