Ok so the company I work for treats any dept that gets over 1 million dollars profit in a year to a paid for dinner. Mine made $1,275,865.00 last year, =) Fourth year in a row we have done it and each year the number gets bigger. So last night was our dinner. Every single one of us had steak and lobster. Most got prime...
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omg, u said smegma! lol! I already like u

Damn, for a million dollars .. Id say I'd be worth more than just a dinner. I know, know ... most places dont even give u THAT much, but Im just sayin. All your bosses walked out of that yr with new jags and porsches, and u got a delicious cut of cow and a lobster. Seems unfair to me, I dunno confused
You are just so grateful, listen to you! I guess that just makes me a greedy bitch, I had no idea I was one of "those", lol

Thanks for the comments in my journal, I hope you are right!
BOO to everywhere being sold out of Nintendo Wii's. trying to get one for my nephew. My store was supposed to get 60 in today. But they came on the 14th. When I was on my days off. WTF is that, they came 2 fuckin days early and sold out in one day. Man was I ever pissed when I got to work and found...
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I agree that the 80's were awesome. But I was only a little kid, I miss the 90's because I was a carefree teenager with the whole world in front of me, ya know?
Well the vacation was awesome. man seeing my buddies Brent and Kyle again was fantastic. nuthing better then good friends you haven't seen in over a year and a half. Leads to 5 nights of drunken escapades til all early hours of the morning. wink biggrin

Just wish we had been able to swing down to Portland, that'd been a gong show. Would have to check out...
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oh you smile i do tend to change a lot... I dunno about getting sexier - more modified, yes.... so maybe thats what you mean, because THATS sexy, in a nutshell smile

The wait is over! I will be posting new pics of my chest, like, in about 15 minutes. So. You gotta look at it. smile
So one of my best friends from back in the day who I haven't seen in about 2 years is coming on Weds to vist for the week. Can't wait to go gangbusters like old times. Catch up on all the good ole days. No stress no worries just some fun times with good friends. My vacation week also so definately time for some R...
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thank you love.
FUCK YEAH!! Today I got all my debts consolidated under one easy monthly payment. No more fucking debt collectors. All pricks like that can eat my ass. I am free, free at last. Soon I shall have my license reinstated and be back on the road. Thanks to the amazing people at Consumer Credit Counseling. biggrin biggrin
Today is lazy day. Somehow I managed to get 3 days off and this is the middle day so no plans and nothing important to do. YAY for R & R! wink biggrin
what of my piercing you love?? biggrin
Well well, look who finally stopped being lazy and got a profile pic. Now I just need to play around with the sizing a bit. New to this posting pics on the net thing. Thanks be to my new digi camera.

CHEER!!! biggrin biggrin
So my Ma is here to stay at my place for the summer. She's sitting my nephew for the two months he's out of school and my bro doesn't have any room at his house so she gets my spare room. Nice so far spending time with her. Haven't seen much of either of my parents for a couple years now. Here's hoping she doesn't...
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thank you honey. that means a lot. smile
thank you. i take that as a wonderful compliment.
Ugh, don't like this new layout. More and more clicking all the time is frustrating. And having to go all the way back to the start of the My SG page every time that I post a comment is frustrating as hell. frown Aw well, guess I have to live with it. whatever
I'm here for business but I've been making it pleasureable smile

The name for the shop is the Little Shop of Holes.... you likie?! Hehehe....

bah ha. The weather has been fantastic! I have been at the beach every day. Well, until it started to get rainy, anyway. *le sigh*

I agree. I just like to talk to cool people. There are definetly a fair share of creeps around, but I always love a good convo. And I never pressure dudes into private dances... that's not why I'm there. I'm there to have a good time and make money dancing.. but I'm not a very good salesman. I just like to hang out.
Ok so it appears that once again SG can't leave well enough alone and have royaly fucked up the site again. Where are my fucking bookmarks you tools? mad