I'm a drunk.
aren't we all really? drunk on something?
I wish I had the dough to travel. I loved San Diego the last time I was there....four years ago!!! aargh, I need to travel. this sucks. surreal
hey yes keep in touch i love to do my thing all weekend long!!! yeah ! love
Today is the beginning of a four day weekend. I think I'm going to TJ for a few minutes this evening and then I will probably be back at Thrusters tonight. This is my neighbor's last weekend in town. frown She is moving to New York next week. Ironically the girl who is moving into her room is coming from New York. Apparently there is some...
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WORK! frown
I think I'm going to cruise around Mission Hills right now.. get to know my new turf.
I spent seven hours in the chair yesterday with Paul Dhuey. The man is a genius. I am still not done I have a follow up in two weeks to finish the shading and add some color. With a lineup like Aaron, Turk, and Paul, Guru is the shit. All future work will be done there. I'll post pics if I can ever figure out...
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Sorry i missed meeting you when we were in San Diego. I haven't got a pic up yet of my tattoo either. I'm quitting smoking, & boy did I want one after I got up from the chair. I think that was a first for me. Tattoo, no smoke.
He's coming over! As G Love would say "....everybody needs a booty call!" Sweet. Even in LA.
I should be at Guru all day tomorrow.
shopping no longer brings me joy.
i'm leaving Friday for a weekend wedding in Nashville (not mine!) tongue I won't be able to do much until i get back next week. i'm wishing i could get my tat on thursday because i'm a bridesmaid in the wedding and i'm wearing a strapless dress that would show it perfectly. but then it might be all swollen and etc, so i'm not sure. plus i haven't even spoke to turk in a week - don't know if he's working thurs night or how long it will take, i'll e-mail him tomorrow.

night night.
I think I'm gonna skip street scene. I have already seen most of the bands I would want to see, and I don't feel like dealing with the crowds. Only downside is everyone I know is going. So alas I am all alone. Anyone feel like playing?
Never been to street scene but my weekend needs to be one of relaxing. We were at the Beach Comber last night. Ever go there?
Street Scene is a joke. Traffic, $30 for parking, *super* crowded (it's all ages this year), lines to get a drink, lines for the bathroom, etc. Can you tell I don't like crowds biggrin ? I'm going to Dream Street to see Dama, they totally rock.

p.s. Thanks for the welcome!
I'm thinking about volunteering some of my free time for the Kerry/Edwards campaign. I feel like I need to do more than vote to get Bush out of office.

P.S. The world needs more compassion. Or possibly just less Republicans. No, it's more compassion.
I'm gonna go with a big nagatory on that one.
you have my attention.

i'm all for becoming more involved. four years ago I worked the presidential campaign. it was definitely work, but it was so worth it. all my friends in nashville (where i was living at the time) were weirded out that i did it. it's just that it's really hard to take a person's views seriously if they have no idea how our government even works and are too lazy to exercise their right to learn AND participate.

tongue don't get me started!!!
Tomorrow I am going to bet on the ponies. And then the free concert with Donovan Frankenreiter. I am stoked.
Cool - then maybe we can continue our conversation.. .or rather my incessant questioning..
Natty has my surfboard. frown

I want it back devil woman.

Weezy I won't be coming up there this weekend. I want to spend some time at home for a change. Tell Montana I said Hi.
Which ones have you seen? Was Tool one of them?

Atom did my tattoo, and I want him to do my next one too. Plus I love his style, and he's pretty frickin funny.

Did you have a good time out and about?
You saw Fiona?! I'm so jealous.

I was thinking about checking in with Atom on Sunday. I'd like to get my side done.

Ok, so my first question, since you offered: "Good" is supposed to prevail in the apocolypse, right? Does that mean evil will be obliterated, or will it still exist? Can you have good without evil existing, or does the existence of the idea of evil suffice to keep that sort of scale balanced?

I guess that's more than one question.

So far, we've been practicing old blues, Zepplin, and some original stuff - they've been practicing together for a couple of years, and I just joined so we're all getting used to eachother. I'm in love with it, though - it's the most satisfying thing I've ever done. I'm also working with a guy I work with to get a small set together for an open mic in Solana Beach - he's a killer guitar player.
Back from my trek to Seattle.

It is officially the best kept secret in the country.

The people were very friendly, and very liberal. You gotta love a town that hates George W. Bush.

The food was amazing, the women were amazing.

The city is so much fun. By far the best downtown on the west coast.

Anyway back in SD for about 5 minutes...
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Sounds like maybe someone got laid up in the Emrald City? Nice. biggrin
We need a regime change.

George W. Bush must be overthrown.

I will be gone for two weeks. Goodbye to you all.
I'm a poli sci major - I'm going to school to get a degree, which I should have accomplished by this time next year. Afterwords, I'm going to pay off my loans then go into the peace corp, work at the un, something along those lines. I just have to research my options further. All I know is I can't continue to help propogate so much meaningless greed by working for the rest of my life in the corporate world.

Occult knowledge is no dorkier than any other. I'm always amazed at the number of people that think things like Wicca or astrology are evil and/or bogus. It's not like you have to believe everything you read about them, but how can you deny that the universe has an effect on our little bodies? How can we assume that we are the only spirits?

Have a good trip, whereever you're headed.
Of course he must! Come back soon!
Let me clarify my last journal.

I am growing tired of SG.

It doesn't really do it for me anymore.
i know what does do it for you....ME!
get ready for the weezey.....
I rent a room from a bitch in Mira Mesa because it's close to school and work. I would rather live down in OB or North Park or something south of the Mesas... again, as soon as school gets out...

Where do you live that's so rockin?

I feel a lot of connection with the high priestess - her quiet intuition and balanced perspective. I'm a pretty quiet chick.. but I have a lot of boths sides in me. I just don't advertise it, you know?

Are you into Reiki?
I am growing tired of this place.
didn't expect that from you for at least another 2 years.
everything ok?
i miss my G.
come play with me.