Yeah, I haven't written in awhile because I got video games for x-mas and I Still haven't gotten around to all of them yet. Its kept me pretty occupied. I thought I should at least update my journal since it has been ages.
i got a few games aswell what you get?
Hmmm...I'm not sure how secure my job is at the moment. The company was looking at selling, which would mean that several stores might get shut down, but they stopped the buyout negotiations to look for other alternatives. Now they are considering selling some of the underperforming stores, which mine would qualify, in order to get rid of some of their debt. I was actually...
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hope it all comes out good for you fingers crossed kiss
I hope your holidays were enjoyable. I haven't heard from you in a while. Things will be fine with the job. If they close, that'll be your sign to move on and do something else. It might even be a good thing.
I've decided that I need to liberate the artistic side of me. I'm tired of working just to pay the bills and my job just doesn't make me feel like I accomplish anything. I need to find something else I am good at and enjoy and try to make a career out of that. I don't know what I can do exactly to make a...
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You and me both. I think all of us have a novel inside that we tell ourself we will start writing the day after tomorrow. Well, I think I got a bombass plot and I've even outlined it.

Getting off my ass and writing it, however. Meh.

I don't write nearly as much as I used to. *cry*
No one really likes thier job. I always say if you find a job you like, you could call it a career. Anyway, you should do what makes you happy. I've gone through a lot of shit since I left my last job, but I'm much happier. The only thing is, I'm still broke...broke but happy. smile
It's damn cold today. I liked it better when it was 80 degrees out. Hell, less than a week ago it was 90 and sunny and today it's 25 and snowing. Stupid weather changes. At least it's almost x-mas. smile
Yeah, the weather is getting bad, but the worst is yet to come (at least here). I try to make the best of it by snowboarding, but it still sucks. And it was 7 here today.

I wish I enjoyed Christmas more. Sounds like you're looking forward to it.
yep its nearly here another year gone cant wait tho smile
Vacation is almost over frown I have enjoyed not having to go to work.

I can't believe it's almost x-mas. Fortunately I am just about done shopping for gifts. I can't believe that the year is almost over.
year has gone bloody quick! one minute its summer then its xmas,think it goes quicker when ya get a bit older frown but still love xmas tho.cant wait for summer again so i can get some riding done smile
I just got back from having 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled. not so much fun. I know now why I avoided it for so long. Of course, had I done it sooner, it would not have been so difficult. whatever Now I have to figure out how to pay the $700 bill.
still hurts then poor you smile hope it does get better for thanksgiving for ya.soup is quite boring aswell,
call it the poorly stuff over here as you only eat when your poorly sick puke
I hope you are feeling better since having your wisdom teeth pulled. I'ts amazing how much dentists can charge for shit like that.

Anyway, you are so right about the in-lawys. I believe that my in-laws have always seen me as an underachiever who is not deserving of thier daughter. I should just spend Thanksgiving with my family, and avoid the uncomfortable situation.
I am beginning to think that relationships are too much work.
never spotted that you were a kevin smith fan, yeah you smile love his films wink
Nah, you haven't been a bad internet friend. Like you, I feel like I haven't had much interesting to say lately. Even though you haven't had a lot of time to yourself, are you getting to use your new camera? Thanks for popping into my blah journal to say hi. I always enjoy hearing from you.
I guess it's time to update my journal. I have been busy, but I haven't really done anything. It's weird. I am excited that it's almost Halloween. It kinda snuck up on me this year. God, I am so boring. I really don't have anything to say today. whatever
The new camera takes really beautiful pics. I bet you're looking forward to getting creative with that thing. You changed your profile pic, too! Looks good. wink
Geez, I haven't heard from you in a while. You must be really busy with your new camera! I was just dropping by to say hello. Hope you are doing well. smile
I don't have much to say, but I should really update my journal since I have the time. I went to the state fair yesterday. It was pretty fun. Really I just like all the pretty lights and the atmosphere at night. I wish it wasn't so damn expensive. I spent about $60 and that was mostly on food. I don't think I needed all...
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You bought a 20D? That's a pretty serious piece of equipment! You better start taking some beautiful pics. I'm so jealous.