Wow, I have been slow. It seems travel brings the messages. I gound out my friend who was in SE asia is all right, so i feel better. I will return from the dark ages some time this weekend, so then I will return to active internet, and the rich culture that is norman. I wish i were joking, but compared to here *shrug*

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happy birthday!
xo annabelle
Happy Birthday, Lord Sidious !
Having recovered from Springfield, and survived the illness that came with thanksgiving, I now return to the ever elusive update. It is a little disturbing that finals are only a couple weeks away. I really should start that one paper... At least my math class is in a stage of going well to end the semester it seems.

Of course, I have begun figuring how...
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As i sat down to begin writing a report or my trip from to Springfield, MO, in my hotel room, the something happens that shows just how this trip has gone thus far. My friend was opening a bottle of wine, to dull the pain of being in this place. Somehow, the side of the bottle burst, sending glass shards and white wine at my...
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living in this part of america is a fuking trip....i always thought OK was bad until you travel in the other mid west states and realize THEY ARE ALL THE FUCKING SAME!!! eeek
ok, one math test down, unknown many more to go. All seemd to go well, more or less. I guess I will find out sooner or later. Now I can take a break, well, except for that lecture i have to get ready for. Minor detail. Now that the election is over, perhaps there will be less frustration and conflict about. Well, maybe give it...
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I know i should do math, and i will suffer for it wed., but i just don't feel like doing much right now. Maybe some sort of let down from the weekend. Too much fun from the weekend. I guess it makes going back to school and the like a little less exciting. Not that sitting in math class is the most exciting thing i...
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Wow, two updates in a row. This must be some kind of landmark case. I blame baseball.
Of odd note, I have been in a rather good mood of late, dispite going to class. I think one of my prof has thought of trying to modivate my lazy ass through spite, which might work, given that was the whole purpose for working in two fields...
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you know, i also forgot the dollar store and the second hand furniture shop. welcome to east side
Hmm, has been awhile.

All as worked out, one way or another, so now I wrestle only with routine and general troubles. New House and roomates are working out really well. Man, this is scary, I almost sound cheery, must be the lack of sleep.

More later, when i get around to it, which, at this rate, might be another month wink

Man, I have been slow. Back to school, back to school. Of course, I never really left. More work, less to do.

I think it is time for procrastination and possible misspellings.
It appears that I have been reminded of what I get for hoping.

If anyone associated with OU wants a cheap apt. let me know, cs. this isn't looking good *sigh*
OK, well, the house thing workied itself out, so I have moved, and don't have to deal with OU housing any more. Someone in housing found some newly wed couple to take over for me. Strangely, they wanted out of the dorms.

I will update more later, I have to go to work far to early today...

Check my comment here.
OK, so I have to wait another week or so for the person who said they will take over my apt lease to get here. It might not have been wise to move in before getting out of my prior lease, but that is what i get for listening to people who say it shouldn't be a problem. Oh well, ... people.

I am sure...
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