God only knows.....wow, some people are just born to sing. Carl Wilson, pure beauty. smile

Uh... wow... thank you wink
OMG your breakfast sound really strong !!! ahahahahah be careful that amount of alcohol could make you loose control with those students aahahahahhahaah
crazy kiss
...We have familiar experience of the order, the constancy, the perpetual renovation of the material world which surrrounds us. Frail and transitory as is every part of it, restless and migratory as are its elements, still it abides. It is bound together by a law of permanence, and though it is ever dying, it is ever coming to life again. Dissolution does but give birth...
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you as always have made blush. Im glad that you can enjoy seeing my canvas on my pictures!! really kiss kiss
yeah, i have always had that effect on young girls living 20,000 km away. love
a week of partying and i'm finally going to sleep at home tonight. i remember doing this kinda thing at 24 and still playing shows every night. when did I get so damn old?

oh well, got a pillow, a mattress, a cat that likes to chew on my knuckles and a new seminar to start preparing for. Life starts up again!

love to my...
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Holy Hell,

SICK!!! I have no idea how I got this evil virus, but I suspect it was riding on the train under the San Francisco Bay in a car with no ventilation. I basically slept all day Monday and am just getting up now Tuesday 10:30pm. What a nightmare. I forgot what real sick was like. Hungover sick, drug withdrawal sick, these are all...
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Boooo, that sounds like the suck.
I haven't been real sick in a while either, just a lot of hungover sick!
As luck would have it, sick goes away and groupies come back smile Why do girls like old men who can play guitar? I can't figure it. Oh, by the way, i posted some pics on my site of me in my hey-day. That's like 10 years ago, but I haven't turned into Keith Richards or anybody.

Enjoy mamasita. By the way, when are you going to tell me your name? I'm getting tired of calling you a beach.

Later little lady,

whew...almost finished with the last paper for the Principles and Methods for Interpreting the Bible course!!! Then, it's onward Ho into Monotheisms.....

Working this week also...starting up on Friday hmmmmmmmmmmm....i guess Halloween is gonna be kind of mellow.
Jees my halloween was SLOOOOW, hardly any trick-or-treaters whatsoever!
I ended up eating nearly all the sweets my mum brought for the kids.. confused

Missed it!
woo-woo just heard from the lovely Myrtle. She's ok, so that's a relief. Just trying to get this Goddam presentation done. I'm really tired today. Way too much Ketel One last night. For some reason, I'm currently hooked on screwdrivers. For the longest time, only drank red wine, but it's been reeeeeeeeeplaced by vodka!

Well actually, I'm worried about our dear SG Myrtle. It's been a while since I've heard from her, and I'm worried for her because of her recent tragedy. If anybody knows if she is OK, please let me know.

yeah, i'm agree with you and koneko. Lot of bad things are happening right know, so I hope someone have news from here u.u


and again, thanks for the nipple coment!! I love my niples too! jajajajaja kiss kiss
tahnk u sweetheart! you are good as always ! kiss kiss
almost finished with my Principles and Methodology for Interpreting the Bible seminar. Starting my Monotheism seminar in two weeks, should be good.

just watched Sarah Silverman Jesus Is Magic. she's very funny. not much going on, putting together a music set for solo performance since I can't be bothered to round up a band this year. just gonna do it myself with guitar and ukelele....
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lol Super-Hated today!! I guess religion is a touchy subject.
Thank U for that love on my cherry blossom set ! I'm very glad you liked it , for real. I hope you have a great day! let me know biggrin

Big kisses!!!


ps: religion and politics is a messy subejct to talk jajajajaja

thanks for the nipple comments biggrin
It's actually weird- for me I can transition pretty easily, but have trouble with the memorization. I'll be switching between chords, but forget which ones I'm playing! Ah! Any tips? Ukelele=awesomeness!
the demon : What an excellent day for an excorism.
Karras : You'd like that?
the demon : Intensely.

Scary shit, considering the original is one Roland Doe from Georgetown. No lie, look it up. The priests are still living.