Sure. Show me a pic of tasty food as I'm about to head to bed!
Dammit!! I hope it screens here soon!
I will be gone for 10 days to 2 weeks. Must cancel my account due to lack of funds for the approaching renewal... will re-activate as soon as possible. Take care all kiss
Once again posting from roomies laptop. Brand new computer dead already. Methinks it's a virus. I must have been very bad in a past life, indeed. And not so angelic in this one, for that matter.

Ah, c'est la vie. How are all of YOU????
Not a lot has been going on. My good friend in Providence threw a most excellent solstice party on the 22nd, then Christmas was quiet and relaxed and wonderful home in NY with my Dad and Step-mom. Other than that just work, work and no play, but still, here:

Stay gold, girls and boys <3
Happy Holidays, everyone smile
So, it's currently open-enrollment for benefits at my place of employment. Aside from being a generally good thing to have, in addition to, I believe, soon-to-be required by law, aquiring health insurance will make things financially MORE difficult... I feel like the only thing to do is go ahead and sign-up and then hurredly get another job. As it is, I'm wanting to switch departments,...
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Happy 165th to Bram Stoker biggrin