I am waiting on broccolli and tomato pizza, I am listening to Frances the Mute, and i am writing my paper on Ahasverus. What a twisted life we lead.
Time to write my Nihilistic paper and my Wandering jew paper. Weee. I am writing this as i procrastinate writing these papers with smallville episodes. Dear god my life has become everything i want it to. I must now go masturbate into a kleenex.
God i hate my job whatever
I don't know why but i crucified my dog. Its been two days, if she doesn't come back to life by tomorrow, then I'll know it wasn't meant to be.

Bad news guys.. it wasn't Jesus after all. I was too high on crystal meth to realize it was my grandfather, who in no way resembles Jesus at all. I apologize for any inconvienance and all service charges to your credit cards will be handled professionally by myself and my team of experts. Nothing else to report except i do seem to have an oozing...
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Jesus came to me last night. He told me that it is my duty to preach his new religion that involves everyone sending me money. If you would like more information on how to be saved, contact me with your credit card information. Thank you.
wheee.. saw the violent femmes last night at a free show that was only 40 minutes from my house. That makes me incredibly happy since i've been listening to them since i was a wee little 6th grader haha. Gordon was kind of old, but they still rocked haha. Country Death Song rocked...
Finals blow, work blows, damnit to hell. On the birght side im listening to johnny frusciante, oh yeah, he makes it all better. Hmmm i think im getting my nipples pierced vertically very soon. Probably this month. That will be cool. I cant really pierce anywhere else thats not on my face (well duh except my dick but i dont know about that). Oh well,...
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HAHA i was going to write, but i realized that if your reading this i don't know you and i don't want to say something personal. Then i had the even more firghtening thought... what if i DO know you and your reading stuff that is personal? Jesus Christ, i almost set myself up for that one.
kiss Happy BDay! kiss
Happy Birthday!
the king's crossing is the main attraction
dominoes are falling in a chain reaction
the scraping subject ruled by fear told me
whiskey works better than beer
the judge is on vinyl, decisions are final
and nobody gets a reprieve
and every wave is tidal - if you hang around
you're going to get wet
i can't prepare for death any more than i already...
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alright, have to keep making myself update this son of a bitch so here we go. Went to school today, rock and roll, listening to music, mainly interpol cuz its something to do. going to work soon, have homework to do, yes thats it, ok good, i updated, this just increases the word count. god bless you and america sweet jesus amen.