Just finished the second part of my Living Dead story "Pavlov's Dogs" to post onto www.lushstories.com. I don't know why I keep writing for that fucking site but it is easy and I don't have to get "published", just post. My stories are read only be a handful of people and rated so low it isn't worth it but I do love writing them.

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I've started posting my art on a couple of groups boards and it's awesome! I've already drawn Seneca and I have a line of SGs wanting my art. This is why this site kicks ass. I can't wait to get started on more drawings. After working in corporate hell for so many years, this is a wonderful way to get my creative energy out and...
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I want to start the year off right, I want to get into drawing more. I hope that I'll be able to populate my profile with some kick ass art this year. I just have to find the time between trying to raise the twins and working for the man. It's hard when you aren't 18 anymore...and even harder when you are a loooooong way...
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Just rejoined SG and man I wish I had more time. You just can't imagine how much this site makes me happy.
I just wrote another chapter of my living dead story but I need to get back to my vampire book. I've been writing erotica for a while now but it's all posted on the web and written for free. I need to get published. Publish or die.
Thanks for the positive feedback on my set "Pyroerotica", it was sweet of you <3!
What if women liked naked pictures of guys the same way that men (and women) like naked pictures of women?

Men would be very happy.
Being a guy on SG is like being a flea on a dog's back. At best you get a scratch that kicks you off but fuck if we don't keep jumping back on. biggrin