forever seeking - what do you do when you enjoy the work that you do and the lifestyle that you lead, but are missing that someone close and personal from your life? Not just for sex, but for the before and the after. The waking up with their skin against yours. The shared showers with the soapy skin and wet hair...
Just that I'm out...
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Hello SuicideGirls friend! This message is copied and pasted, but that doesn't mean I don't still love you, it simply means I prefer the ability to play bass as opposed to carpal-tunnel-from-re-typing! Haha!


If you can read this, that means I would really appreciate it if you were to check out my band, The Wrecktals! We just recorded a demo, and a couple tracks are up on MySpace, and then a track-or-two-that's-not-on-MySpace is on FaceBook.


We really wanna make friends with you! Seriously! That's one thing that a lot of bands hate... There's this nice fat fucking gap between fan and artist. Fuck that gap. Gaps need to be fucked. Fuck it! The Gap that is! So go there! And tell us what you think!

And if you are super-friendly and rad and awesome! You caaaan...


And again, please tell us what you think! And if you know anybody who likes their punk and ska and hardcore... Please pass the good word on! biggrin

Look! We're like Rancid! Can we have some street cred now?


This band is my baby. We are going to be successful (in terms of creating that feeling in someone's chest when they hear that song they love, not "successful" as in "money"). It's our dream and it's gonna happen through our own hard work and passion and love for radness!

But like I said, we have a demo out. You pay $4 and you get eight (wicked-quality) tracks that last almost half-an-hour, some sweet DIY eye-candy, and instant immortality/karma! That's right! Everyone who buys our demo will have their name immortalized somewhere on the next release! So make sure we know who you are! We want to thank each and every one of you who actually listened to us!

We're playing lots of rad underground shows and we support all of those who make music for the sake of creation and expression. I've been to every fucking band I can imagine within five-bajillion-miles of me, so the favour better be returned!

My name is Christoph, but most people call me Slut (short for PunkerSlut)... And you can call me Susan, if it makes you happy... But on behalf of The Wrecktals, thank you for your time! I hope you like us!

'Cause if you read all this, it means we already like you!

Live. Love. Unity.
just so you know:

Ever since the "Improvements" to the Rail link between Edinburgh where I live and Livingston where I work, the morning and evening trains have been at least 15 minutes late *every fucking day*... This, combined with repeated outages, trains catching fire (no joke - the engine on my morning train caught fire on Tuesday - we had to evacuate and wait...
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so apparently this song has been going around for a few years now. Funny how these bastard problems just keep coming back time and time again... Still relevant today, much like all those years ago...
aww, dude, I totally forgot about this place... shit!

Well, glad to say I've still got a crush on Duke... as well as like half the girls in here... why is it that Scottish lasses are... well, lets just say that they leave a lot to be desired. At least those around me, and I can't find pretty Scottish suicide girls material around Edinburgh.

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hey guys, not had internet ferrawile at home and don't want to suicidegirls at work... it's just not fun... I'll probably be back next week...
Godspeed, I know I'd go nuts without internet for any length of time.
wow, next post. This is getting out of hand!...

so, my ex just passed by to give me back her stuff and pick hers up and I did the most difficult thing I ever had to do, which was not look back when I went back into the flat. But it was surprisingly easy to do... hmm...

She also hugged me like she missed me...
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sheesh, if I carry on posting like this I'm going to crash the SG servers!

So I get the feeling I'm going to be writing here more for myself than anything else, methinks.

Still feeling a little lonely from last month when my now-ex and all the shit hit the fan... but I've taken it surprisingly well. which isn't a good thing. I used to...
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I wasn;t doing anything exciting even! Just standard thrusts and it like exploded.

I think I tensed up all funny or something. frown

Deep fried everything.

I'm righty, broken on lefty, but a LOT of stuff I did was ambidextrous.

Who knew that rolling on the ground would cause so much hurt! frown
Just tought this one was cool. more on sports later.

oh yea and this as well:
wow, i post regularly in here don't I? I think I don't because I'm not really used to it yet.

umm... so, waiting on my ex to call me and tell me when she's coming down with my laptop and other crap of mine from hers, and that's so exciting and so much fun I simply can't contain it!! *sigh*

might watch some battlestar or...
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