how many lives are going to be lost before someone realizes that iraq is not worth the blood the soil is covered with.
now there is to resources in the soil; oil and blood. send more troops. spill more blood. its the american way.god bless us.

by the way i had 2 more of my friends die in iraq. all in the past 2 weeks....
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for many days i have been happy. cross my fingers. things havent gone well and things havent been the best but i am still happy. nothing more nothing less.

so, i'm ready for a change in government. i have been paying more interest in our recent race. i really feel that we need a change. i am not digging Bush anymore and i'm a conservative....
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I've been hearing lots of people saying they're over Bush who had voted for him or supported him in the past. It makes me really fucking happy.

so do the Avs, for that matter.

good luck with moving to NYC!
as i lay and wonder
just awoke from slumber
wiping the sleep from my eye
i hear you cry

you cry for the lost
that our lives have crossed
you cry for the pain
that runs through your veins

tears run your down jawline
you tell me your fine
i know you ache inside
i know you rape my mind

as the words flow out...
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Thanks! Dad is still weak, but happy to be out of there.
i'm going to dillinger escape plannnn tommorow nite.whoop. everone cheer.
hey. hey, norm. do you like hot dogs? i sure do.
i'm putting my portfolio togetha fer the place i want to draw fer. again. everone cheer. word.

ps. go to the show and drink beers with me. then come to a party afterwards. it will be fun, i promise. thee skatman.
Knock 'em dead!
Where are they playing at? That's a lot better alternative than staying in.

peace, g...
icantstopdrinking.hmmm.iswoon.icantsopeating.yes.indeed.formetogo.thelessonlearned.thechildrenwebury. thefathersweshare.makeitseemmerry. ipulloutmyhair.formetogo.thelessonlearned.formetogo.weshallbeburned.timetogo.timetogo.word.
Space bar broken, huh? Yeah, I hate when mine does that...
Groundhog Day: I woke up this morning to the alarm going off via the radio and a newscaster announcing that, that damn groundhog came out, took one look around and went back under. That means another 6 weeks of Winter damnit!! I hate cold. Can't complain too much being in FL. wink My question though, is do they shock the poor little guy every year this day to make him come out in the first place?? Terrible thought. Hummmm...

* hearts sqp*
i guess i'm still going to be a member. i guess.
i'm a little intoxicated. actually, yeah, nevermind. i usually go out on thursday for beer specials but i think im going to stop. there is always fights and just lame activities going on. its like a damn high school reunion. anyways.
i met this chick that goes to law school. nice. when she becomes...
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How did you end up losing 90% of your hearing? That frightens me man...
"a struggling artist needs some income." I hear you on that. No Shit!

I feel you on the free/cheap drink nights with the drama. I go through that at least twice a week...
i think i went to the best show in a couple of years. pennywise. damn.
jannus was lit up and packed in.
everyone wanted to see pennywise and they were not let down.

i havent seen pennywise since the last time they toured which was back in 99 i think. still the same even with a new album out. get it. same great pennywise music....
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G'bye sweetie! biggrin
my friend went to that show but it was sold out
(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae Inn
(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won't you bring four of your friends
(What we gon' do?) Feel on each other and sip on some Hen
One thing leading to another let the party begin

Peeps call me up said it's a ho-tel party
Just bring the liquor there's already eight shawties
I'm on my way...
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i will get better soon... i will get better soon...
i do need that cabana boy...
even if its just to snuggle him in my sickly state....
yo. my membership is about up. i dont think i'm going to renew it.
i think i need a break. i've just been bored with it.
i have a long weekend ahead of me with shows and school. 4 shows starting wed with the SG show. himsa on thursday, hot water music on friday, and pennywise on saturday.
i dont go on the computer as...
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say hi to Ephrem.. from DBS. I never get to see them now. I don't know when they will be coming to PDX again.. I'm going to go look right now.
It always says "no shows booked at this time"
awww, don't leave.

so you got to see the OT penalty shot live??? RAD. too bad you didn't go to the panthers game and get to see Tanguay's hat trick. wink