Well moved into my district finally. Hopefully things will calm down for a while and I can get my bearing. Working on study for the LSATs in October. Also gonna try and pick up some Japanese learning materials here and there. Id like to come back here someday and want to be better prepared.

Heres the new tat getting done. Stung a lil more than...
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Haven't played in here in a while. Moved to a new place, the grand island of Okinawa. One benefit of my job is they move me all around.

Anyway, gearing up to understand a whole new place, and a new part of my job at the same time. Im hoping I get a chance to experience some of the culture here. The language is a...
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Not that I think anyone is actually foolish enough to read my journal on this site, but its always good to have a place to outlet.
Been a while, but not much serious went down. Got out of my job. Got reassigned a new job. Im just sort of sitting around now waiting to be sent off for training in my new job. Yeah! 8...
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So yeah. Im talking to the XO and CO to see if I can get permission to go with the wing on detachment in suport. Since ill be sitting here for a couple months at least I figured it would give me the opportunity to actually have a job for a couple weeks and make some extra bank!
Thanks for the comment on my set!!

Well the week is over. Last two weeks have been about getting out of my current job and into a new MOS. Finally complete with all the paperwork, all that remains is to do a meet n greet with the Commodore and send my redesignation packet into HQMC. Lets hope I get one of my top 3!
Well a "real" hurricane is on its way, I hope everyones prepared, I know im not!
Thanks for commenting on my new set! kiss

Only been a single MAJOR change. Im getting outta my job. Moving on, and moving up hopefully. Waiting to be reassigned to a new base now, afte a few more days of getting yelled at for leaving.
One up, one X... Feels like all I do is study or exist at work. I at least didnt fuck up too bad today! We'll see about tommorrow. Then of course theres the rest of the week smile

Saw 300 with the girl tonight. Cant say much about it. Its a GREAT story from war and history, but cant say I was impressed with the way...
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And right on time a week down the road. Been study non-stop since last week. Yeah definately didnt make it out without failing one event. Terriffic! Done with those terrible fucking sims tho for a long while and maybe forever depending on how the next month or so goes.
In the hotseat tommorrow afternoon for a 1.5'er. Hopefully it goes relatively smoothly, but thats a...
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BRUTAL DAY! Yesterday was kinda lax becasue I had it off and only a couple things to work on. Well I slacked as usualy. SUprise, today was fucking brutal. Managed to get through it unscathed tho, and actually got decent grades. Heres to finishing the rest of the simulator block before failing something!
And done with that block of schooling. Off now to another week of in the box schooling.

Its hard to be faithful when you have a future olympic swimmer displaying her body in front of you at the bar telling you your cute. Hard to stand back in those situations and not take advantage. Good thing I really like my girlfriend.
Ahhh the weekend, what a great time. Wedding was fun, and easy going though I could have used a little more notice on my speech.
As usual commercial flight sucks, but I was only really an hour behind schedule when I finally landed.
I guess its back to the old grind now!