well im officially qualified to be a combat life saver. basically meaning that i can now give iv's (pretty damn good at it too) and i got a head full of shit to either help someone medically or decide wether or no theyre worth helping. kinda grim but oh well. course thanks to the guy who stuck me with an iv i now got a...
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sorry for the phone call last night!
So, how was the fun-filled, alchol-infested, puking rally, male bonding weekend?
oh thank god the nipple is finally healing up. no more puss and blood. finally just got sebum and its not as much as normal. from the looks of it both of the nippies will be all healed by this weekend. finally good news first thing in the morning. oh and a little tip. if you run alot think about the area before you guage....
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LOL, I dont have that problem.. It's just the boobs in general I have to worry about when running.. Oh wait, I don't run.. It's the damnedest thing
So how goes it?
fuckin great. my recently guaged 4 guaged nips i just had one get infected. what a way to piss you off. shit hurts too. think im gonna stop here. maybe smile
Ouch, I've been there done that though.. It sucks... Good luck with that..
I just got this horrible image of your nipple all red and oozing puss and blood.. it's kinda gross if you think about it.. but the joys of healthcare.. I can say i've seen worse..
ok shameless plug time. heres an organization yall might like and relate to the church of body modification unless you just do body mods for shock value then youll think we're all a bunch of cult psychos. cant say that i can find a sect around my area but still i believe in the modern primitive so ill support any group that supports us. and...
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Very Interesting dear. You're not a cult psycho!!!! I dont think anyone is... wellother than my sister, but she goes to a church were tehy speak in tounges and act like dying fish on the floor.. I think that is a cult!.. biggrin We need to get together sometime for some drinks.. Before you go back to the wonderful desert!
geeze, don't sound too excited to come see me! frown
just got one of my wisdom teeth taken out. im lovin this crap. sittin here spitting blood into my trash can. this is exactly how i envisioned my day going. oh well on the plus side i got codine. I CAN LEGALLY GET HIGH!!! biggrin

well since i still hadnt touched the codine i went ahead and guaged out the nippies yet again. 4 guage now....
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No, the shoes are good.. I washed then very well with Lavender body wash. and I sprayed some disinfectant spray on the tops of them.. PLus it took like 1 min to get her to her room. I was speeding down the hallway... It was just a crazy ass day.. No seriously my nipple does hurt.. I was taking off my shirt and i snaged the barbell on something, I was another wonderful part of this lovely day!.. I will never gauge my nipples out> they are cute just the way they are..
you freek. tongue i've just been itching at my back... IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS! and depending on the cost, i might be gettin the nippies done... again... for the third time!

and you BEST WELL come see me when you're home! mad *grr*

I'M BAAAAAAAACK!!!!! this last month has sucked total ass. i got salt stains on my pants. that shit aint right!!!! (if you dont know salt stains form when you sweat alot) no offense to anyone in louisianna (check that spellin for me) but yenz can keep that state. i like some change in weather besides humid and hot or raining cats and dogs. (ill never...
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you best bring your ass the extra hour to see me at school!
Well, ALRIGHT! that makes me happy in my Pants( I think) that you are back.. SOrry about the drinks.. I'm not a beam girl anymore. and I cant hack the diesel.. Yuck too much hopps.. I'm a sissy beer drinker and i like my crown.. At least I"m not a girly girl that likes fruity ass drinks.. So give me a little credit here.. Damn I try my best!.. HMMM drinking in the shower. One of my favorite pasttimes!. I was talking to a friend at work and she said we are in desperat need for a drunk-fest! I do agree with her. Schools about to kick my ass already and I have only been back for 2 weeks.. $ tests in one day for 1 class.. Fuck I need a break already. So why gauge the nipples out to a 4?? I think that would hurt a little bit..

[Edited on Aug 29, 2005 5:17PM]
welp off to jrtc. bullshit army training for the next month. yay. catch yall when i get back. drink beer for me.
Thanks to you guys, we can live our own way!
Thanks for providing the real freedom!
Just wanted to say a Quick HI! The month is almost over.. So you'll be back soon.. well for a little while. frown Take care! Oh I dint drink a beer for you either.. I drank some crown insted. kiss
well another decent weekend gone by. ate some kick ass japanese. course it killed the wallet. ended up being 60 bucks for two people. oh well. the steak was cooked perfectly, shrimp kicked ass, and the chicken even rocked. went to a comedy club afterward. ate myself sick then damn near puked it all up laughin at one of the comedians. luckily i didnt. the...
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YEah I am freaking nuts, I work with crazy, senile, old people everyday.. I hardly get to interact with people of my own age.. LOL.. I'm pathetic, I work my ass off and I have nothing to show for it.. Even when I start school, I'll still be working full time.

I wonder why they would take your gernade launcher away?? I thin kyou have some built up agression issuses you need to deal with. Just go beat the shit out of someone, you'll feel better.. Or at least I would think. When I feel like that, I make my friend take me out shooting.. It relives a little sexual frustrations... I mean stress..

What is wrong Manhattan?? Well I lived out there for 3 years, and that was enough.. I had to put up with Military assholes hitting on me all day long (no offence), since I worked for Akal.. It's closed minded hick-ville capital.. I was just going to visit my friend, But i'm too fucking poor.. I guess that is what I get for not having a job for a month and a half.. PLus I really dont want to run into people I know. I sleep better at night knowing that people think I fell off the face of the earth.. But I do need to pick up my drawing of that tat I want from a friend.. What to do???
I eat gummie peach rings.

And if they stick together, they only count as one.
Yeah I should let someone play with them., But then again, that's too easy. I can't make my life too simple. Plus most men get freaked out. They think 1 in each nipple is okay. But I got a little crazy witht he cheez whiz and got 2 in each.. I was looking to get 3. But It wont work out.. I guess I have to move on to another part of my body to get peirced. ( like I havent already.biggrin)

[Edited on Jul 21, 2005 4:55PM]
Well, my tounge and nose, 2 in each nipple.. Had my hood peirced, took it out because I want it vertically. But I am getting it done again when I get my finiancial aide money.. That's about it for the time being.. Still thinking on other itemes to peirce.. Had lip and eyebrow peirced, (took them out, my ex-husband didnt like them, Bastard) Other than that, I'm pretty normal..

[Edited on Jul 23, 2005 8:24PM]
goin out with some friends of mine friday. hopefully they dont put too much booze in front of me.

plus tattoo rendezvous is this weekend. ahhh a weekend of gettin lewed, stewed, and possible tattooed. if not maybe pierced. cant freakin wait

just found out im 42 sem hours away from an associates in gen studies. and i never stepped foot in a civilian classroom....
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i need my matthew frown

i just got my heart stomped on... read adamantium's journal... like the second paragraph...
i sorry. i didn't mean to give u a name.

just put up a new post.

sexy bitch! tongue