Just woke up at 3 in the PM on a Sunday. I am off to buy a NY TIMES and do the crossword.
Any advice for a lonely gal?
I can't seem to get up the energy to go out and meet new people. Is it weird to still be hung up on your ex two months after breaking up? Am I a nutcase for...
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You're defintely not crazy for wanting your ex after being apart for 2 months. I on the other hand broke it off w/ my ex 16 months ago & I absolutely loathe the man with everything I have. I ask you, IS THAT NORMAL? I'm trying to get ready to go to a SuperBowl party right now & I have no interest in who's playing.(I'm only going for the free eats!!!!) Besides that I couldn't careless actually!!!!!!!!! The commercials are often cool though, perhaps you can check it out. Afterall you cant miss Beyonce sing our National Anthem......that oughta be a laugh right there. I say it's a recording.......because yes she may be attractive but she really has NO talent at all!!!!!

you're not crazy. but you may have to come to the realization (sometime) that things end for a reason, and if someone doesn't WANT you, that's probably one of the strongest cases possible for eliminating them from your "to-do" list.

everyone deserves someone who is into them, without question. if you need to spend time convincing them of how great you are, then you may be wasting your time.

the weather has made it difficult even for me to go out. and i have people i can chase down, if need be. we could make a resolution, and meet for dinner some evening, if ya like.
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life...
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just a crappy ol' ricketty mountain bike smile
Your Emerson quote makes me feel good about an upcoming trip i have to Africa to help assist on a research project related to a particular bird species that is threatened with extinction. Emerson is great. wink
The day looks a little brighter,
and the warm rays of hope seem to be cooking my skin.

Looks like I am finally going to get a job in my field (entertainment production) and will be making something of myself!

Perhaps this is a sign of the balance and happiness in my life to finally come together?!

Soft thoughts and Hard music, FOREVER!!!
film & theatre
You go!. Kick some butt

I miss NYC, but got tired of having to work three jobs to live there! It always takes time to get into the sync of the City. How long have you been there?

Mission Successful,

Let's just say there was a very excited crowd of boys watching two girls make out in the downtown area last night... smile smile smile smile smile smile smile wink wink wink wink wink
So tonite my mission is to go out
and flirt like crazy w/ every cute human I see..

Wish me luck!!!
Feelin LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love wink love wink
can you flirt with me to? i need some flirtin
sweet. where at?
how do you heal a broken heart????

how do get it to stop feeling like someone is stepping on your chest every time your love is making plans with someone else?

how do you get to the point where another person touching you doesn't make you cringe?

any suggestion???????????
keep your mind on better times, better people and concentrate on how rockin tomorrow will be!!!
As a new day dawns
and the night becomes day
the darkness seems a little less pungent
and my sorrow starts to slip away
A new year begins
and a new date to be written
for this open window
the new chances I am smitten
May it be full of hope
and truckloads of content
may I learn needed lessons
and live life to the...
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Another year,
the circle of crap is complete!
I watched the love of my life go off to hook up with a skanky bitch tonight...
why couldn't it have been someone nice? To be replaced by someone like this is just too much...
I know I need to get over it....
too lonely for words....
why must life be such a daily challenge of heart...
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Happy Freakin' New Year.....

1. Not be such a sourpuss.
2. Get a job I like.
3. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
4. Finish writing novel & screenplay.
5. Get in kick-ass shape.
6. Stop making stupid resolutions.

Cheers Ya'll! and good karma to all my SG Sistahs and brothers!!!!! smile smile smile smile smile smile
Happy New Year sweets kiss
I like the "Stop making stupid resolutions" but if it's gotten past the thought stage and is written down on paper stage, it is looking more like a possibility.
yeh, at least i didn't put down "quit smoking" and "get organized....pointless and broken by sunrise on the first!!! wink
If you are in New York City come check out my friend's band SUCKERPUNCH at the Contitental on St. Marks and 3rd Ave. @ 10:00 PM
It's a Ramones tribute night and it wil rock!!!!!!

Come down and check it out and say hello, I'll be there!!!!!!!!
damn sounds awesome - too bad i cant get a sitter frown