Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings "Naturally"


Willie Hightower

Are two incredible soul records. I highly recommend them!
No really I am a serious and dedicated graduate student! I just needed a little nap... come on!
Ha-choo! Fuckin' allergies mad
...i wish i had more time...

Wake up, got another day to get through now
Got another man to see
Got to call him on the telephone
Got to find a piece of paper

Sit down, got another letter to write
Think Ill got to get the letter just right
Theres a ringing on the telephone
Oh no, got to write a little later
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thanks so much 4 the sweet comment bout out set!


it was a blast shooting it!
uhh........... uhh...........hmmm....
i have tried listening to radio k. every time i'm not impressed. i don't need music played by young people in an effort to assert their cooless, and that's the impression i've always gotten. plus, the sound is shite.

the current moooooves me, baby. it's like they've tapped into my heart.
Insert whitty, well written, and intriguing journal entry here... I like pigs oink oink oink
thanks for your comment on my new set!
It's been a while since i updated... and since so many people are clamoring to know about my life consider this journal updated...
Peace love and sprockets...

i'm such a dork!
Ok, another kiss for you biggrin

ohmygoodnessohmygoodnessohmygoodnessohmygoodness...hahahaha...your comment made me laugh so i thank you dearly for that...smile dorky! im right there with ya! p.s. dorkiness is the ONLY way to live life (well, except for that occasional time when its good to be sexy) take care fucker...xox dusty
hmmm...i don't know when the last good x-mas was for me. my fam and i had x-mas eve brunch and then we all went our own ways.

once again i am home alone on x-mas eve. that really isn't a big deal. i'm quite alright with being alone.

the only prob is that it makes me think a lot about who i am wher i...
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