so.. osap appointment today... hopefully it's to pick up a cheque since i'm fairly certain everything was already in order from last semester..

so far things are starting to be interesting at school in a couple classes which is a relief as next to nothing held my interest beyond learning it to pass..

i'm really sick and tired of me never having the bottle to...
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They come here alone and they leave in twos
Except for you and me who just came to use
If you're all done like you said you'd be
What are you doing hanging out with me

Why you tell me stuff that's so plainly untrue
If you'll be straight with me, I'll be straighter with you
If you're all done like you said you'd be...
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so.. i managed to finish everything to pass everything for the semester.. a couple of the mandatory labs were finished on thursday, about 2 hours before final marks were due to be recorded.. so it was coming down to the wire. but they're done and that's awesome...

a 3.4 GPA... not bad.. not awesome but about .4 more than i was really expecting back in...
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so.. the last day of the long semester is finally here..

so far so good.. been really busting my ass on some assignments that are due.. and i seem to be on track to finish them all tomorrow while at school barring an unforseen disaster. (is there another kind? like a disaster you know about but just do nothing anyway? so apparently i need sleep.....
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so.. i'm really feeling burnt out from school.. and i still have a few weeks to go *sighs*

i'm not really happy with my program.. we're the guinea pigs to a new compressed version and it doesn't feel like it's leaving enough time to actually learn/retain anything.. we're just being shown the theories,given the formula, do something for a day or two.. then on to...
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is it just me or is anyone else seeing ads, (yet again) on a website we pay to have membership to?

i thought it was maybe a glitch in the layout.. but i checked settings and they're correct.. and they only seem to show up while looking at the news articles..

they aren't as bad as all the banner ads and junk that used to...
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maybe soon. I know everything is being pushed towrds retail outside the site now..

ever come in to the t dot?
i really hate love triangles.. no. wait.. this is more a love dodecagon.. and it's not fun..

i also am getting tired of coming most nights the last few weekends to a house full of people dry humping each other against the wals.

i am also in a bad mood due to paragraph a... (and the fact ive been up since 4pm yesterday without even...
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wtf???... what kind of place do you live in? hahaha
sooo... i think i made a big mistake..

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

i went and installed WOW... and it's awesome.. so far, after about 6 hours m a level 8 tauren hunter

i guess i'll be seeing you all again someday...


went to see roller derby tonight in town which was a really good time and a fairly good night out with some new friends/old acquantances..

but on this note.. and with a few others.. i'm really still sick and tired of starting to like the wrong people..

but.. i shall dwell on the awesomeness that was roller derby and go solace myself with a movie...
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so.. no halloweenie goodness for me tonight

*le sigh*

instead i think i'll clean the exploded milliner's that my living room has become and then.. i have no idea.. i'd go to sleep but i woke up feeling like crap today so stayed home and went back to bed..

ah well.. such is life..
school feels a little better as it turns out i did manage to pass the test i thought i did horribly on.. and.. the teacher is re-working the marking scheme for us a bit (the test i just barely passed was counting as 20% of my final mark)

i'm still not overjoyed with the program.. but.. it's back to being tolerable.. mostly i've been distracting...
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so i killed my mac frown

i was trying to put on bootcamp and somehow the partition did not work.. it said it worked.. then i went to install windows.. and all it saw was 1 drive with 120 gigs in an unknown format.. so i cancelled the install.. and then it wouldn't boot back to either windows or oxX

so that was on tuesday night.....
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