Well its friday and unfountally i have to wake up at 6:30am tomorrow so i'll be going to bed soon. I have advance spotter training. I think I need it since it been 4 years since i was last cerified. Plus i have to pic up 2 people tomorrow since it sort of on my way. So ya, this is my life...but its all in...
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W8!...who said you were allowed friends outside the dorm??? i didnt get this memo...if u still have it please forward...ty
Dood. I wanna chase storms
Today i got my car back, didn't cost much on 120 dollars and 42 cents! just needed a in thermostat and then got a new seal and pan and filter. Everything runs great...though i couldn't get it up to 100 today cause it was raining! frown Oh well! Anyways my shoulder still hurts...debating on go to the doc to have take a look at it since...
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Woke up saturday to find out my car is in the shop, my dad took it in, found out a few minutes ago that i won't have it til wednesday sometime. mad CRAP!!!! I just needed a simple little part to make the transmisson go. just hopefully it won't cost to much!
Hey Fish. I'M RICK JAMES BITCH!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Well today worked sucked...but what do expect after being up for 24 hours and working at UPS. Feet hurt, back hurts, and i have a cut on my hand. So i guess i'll just bitch and moan on here since i have no girl to bitch and moan to. Oh well talk to whoever like this profile!

Fish mad