Saturday, I went to the Dun Or event. The weather was ominous in the morning, but it shaped up to be a beautiful cool day. I fought acceptably, but not spectacularly. Francesc just ran me over in the first round, but it helped to wake me up. I fought for Matlens for the day. From there, about a dozen of us went to Olive Garden...
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I hope you have a good weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! smile Okay...I am coming to Califonia! I am on my way....are you ready? wink
I will wait for you! wink Hmmmm come back with a surprise for me!
I found kick-ass religion!

I have converted from my previous superstitions to belief in Techno-Erotic Paganism!
You are SUCH a sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blush kiss
Awww... thanks...sorry the bubbles are covering what you wanna see. wink
I went to see Man of the Year with my friends Kris, Drew, and Jill tonight. It was good - funny, but with a more complex story than I really expected. It wasn't difficult to follow or anything, I just expected more straightforward comedy. You have to hope that some politician might be stimulated by the film's point, or at least some voters. I guess...
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This whole 'single' thing takes some getting used to. I think I'll enjoy it, though!
there is always Ma. wink Hey I posted pics in PSW...go take a look! smile
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are VERY sweet! smile
One day at a time. I fell asleep on the couch while watching TV. That's kind of reassuring - it's the first time in days that I've just casually fallen asleep, without waiting for my mind to slow down.
Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much you are so very sweet!!! I dunno...should I move? smile
"Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to tell me what went wrong"
- Waiting For The Sun, The Doors

It feels like that right now.
oh i've already explored it.
you just wait wink
Boy, talk about wierd shit that gets stuck in your head...

There's an episode of South Park in which Kenny is dying of some wasting disease, and Cartman lobbies to have stem cell research legally unrestricted to help cure him, but it turns out after Kenny dies that Cartman was really just doing it to use stem cells to clone his very own Shakey's Pizza...
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On the radio Saturday, I heard something fantastic. According to 100.1 FM, it is legal in Hong Kong for a woman to kill her cheating husband, as long as she uses no weapon but her bare hands. However, she may legally kill the other woman without any such restriction!

This is amazing on a couple of levels. As my wife points out, this gives the...
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I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...

That song has been stuck on repeat in my brain for the past few months, especially when I'm at work. Oddly, I associate it with the numbing, mindless, high-pressure drudgery we've been experiencing of late. Maybe it's my way of reminding myself to be what I really want to be. Which is not actually a transvestite lumberjack, but you...
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i just read your comment about seeing me at a protest in hollywood. you should have come up and said hi! it would have been nice to have met you smile

i havent been keeping up on protests lately cos i've been so busy with school but do you know of any good protests coming up?

Really, it was like, "Hey, that's Aiden! Oh, shit, we're marching now." I think I saw you again once we got to the end of the march, but by the time things were starting to quiet down, I didn't find you. So it goes.

The funny part is that we were pretty much just standing there for about fifteen minutes before things got rolling, if I had turned around earlier I would have definitely said hello. Hopefully there'll be another protest or SG function that puts us in the same place again!

As for political activity, I've not heard of anything major going down soon. I'm sure later October will see something worthwhile, closer to voting day. I've had work sucking me pretty dry lately, and SCA stuff on the weekends, so I can totally understand.

Hey, I'm going to send you one of these 'friend request' things. Be gentle, it's my first time!

- me
Sometimes I don't know whether I'm too busy, or too much of a procrastinator. Either way, I meant to start this journal months ago! No time like the present, I guess. So why am I always putting things off 'til Tuesday?