hmmmm....im bored and no one in this place seems to want to talk to me apart from the lovely bexi (whose comment i appreciated muchos by the way - because twas my first - and only)...anyways im gonna stop being bored and go do something...feel free to chat to me or acknowledge im here or something

...this journal entries very self-pitying i wish i could...
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pay no heed to this page... it means nothing!!!

i was practising stuff

now im not

stop looking at this page

its boring!!
im proper bored with all this journal shizer-millizer-minnelli, i think im gonna make this my last one, as im pretty sure im the only one reading it, though it is keeping me busy in my busyless life, so i may be lying, im not too sure...erm other things to say are:

i proper need a leeds fest ticket and ebays gonna be my only solution,...
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Hold on!

No need to get angry. here I am, a comment!

Since I like crime books, I like the gardening- adventure- murder -story. A gardener that goes to all the cool vip-people and rips their ....we... Real Tv, thats it ha ha love

greetz from germany

baaaaaahhh, and hmmmmm. baaaaahhhh for how im feeling right now, i can properly do without peoples 21sts right now, it involves far too much drinking and next day pains. ive got one every weekend from now till forever and it's rubbish!! and they always play real shitty music!! and the hmmmms for cant be bothered with anything right now, least of all writing rubbish in...
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hey everyone/perhaps no-one. So i figured i might aswell make an effort and finally put up a couple o' pictures and make an entry into the journal...not entirely sure if there's any point, as i cant really see anybody wanting to read it or look at the pics, especially since ive been talking so much shite about it just now!! anyways, hopefully ill get some...
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