I'm not sure why I'm here, I guess it's to look at girls.

And fuck around and have some fun. Not with people though, just with words...

I feel like a massive perv every time I'm on here. Lots of apologies to all the women who I'm staring at for using you as some sort of weird mind-wank. There seems to be a whole bunch...
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very interesting.
Clearly feeling like a massive perv hasn't stopped me yet though. Do they turn me on or am I tormenting myself?

Either way this cost me 30 so I'm going to fucking enjoy it even if I am beginning to feel like a weird old man.

I might go on a one woman mission to just inflict myself upon this dark weird little corner of the universe where it is OKAY but is it really ok?

I think SG will become my rubbish dump for sexual weirdisms. Are you allowed to post erotica and shit here? I hope so. If i'm going to feel like scum I might as well enjoy it

Though i'd prefer to just shout into the night i'm not sure i could live with myself if i got too involved. I suppose writing somewhere I would never admit to writing all the things I would never admit to thinking is quite apt.