just got back from a Ravonettes gig, they were good, bit same same as the last few times i seen em. Dog supported and they were great, bit like the Rutts but not so retrograde.
everyone knows three things about swans.
starting to plan a trip away. when this jobs over away i go. maybe Europe for a bit and then East. Bali and maybe India or somewhere hot.
6am in stinky London town. vey weird dreams, awake now may as well go swimming
work was poop. these eejits couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. blagged over 100,000 worth of cars for the scenes we are filming at the mo. should have finished with em last week. extended the borrowing of em for a bit longer and we were supposed to complete on them today. but no. too much faffing around and now gotta beg to keep...
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first entry of the month. ho hum not much to say. may be a bit brain dead by the looks of it. probably working too much at the mo. this stupid tv show is taking all my creative juices and er... brain power. bok
thats it, I have that part of the poem... blush
finally allmost recovered from birthday shenanigans. it was a good night, that lasted until dawn. both my bros turned up. my little bro got to that drunk hugging me and telling me how much he loved me stage which was funny. he's such a lovely man. Captain and Doze turned up which was great as i aint seen them in ages. good turn out in...
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birthday ra ra ra. nother year oh so closer to pissing my pants and drooling (hmm no change then)
Happy birthday, baby! kiss
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!! biggrin
my Nan died a couple of days ago. she was so feisty so funny so lovely. cancer came and took her quick. been expecting her to die anytime soon so its not a shock. upset by it nonetheless. time for a little drink.
suffering day 3 of the same hangover. this is not natural or normal. may have gone a bit close to the wire on Saturday. Large areas of it are fuzzy. Remember setting myself on fire. Damn that poly/cotton western shirt. huge blisters on my fingers where i put myself out. remember waking up with someone i didn't intend to. remeber not much else, neither does...
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