thank heavens for cool changes...
i've been sweltering here.
i had the honour of meeting coral sea the other day and it was fantastic we talked for hours and could have continued if we weren't so hot and had to go our separate ways. she is interesting and great to talk to, we seemed to have alot in common and i look forward to catching...
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The heat is over! Now I have to clean my filthy house top to bottom because it was too hot last week! tongue
Naw, I have no instant messengers luv!
Where are your houseguests from?
Just when i thought i knew all of Adelaide's well kept secrets, my friends showed my an amazing swimming hole today on the outskirts of the eastern suburbs, right on the fringe of bourgeouis suburbia, and it was a true oasis.
Out east there is foothills only ten k's or so from town and thats where the rich folk live, its leafy and green and...
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that sounds really cool.
glad the show is going to Adelaide but i live in Sydney now. moved here 2 months ago.

you live in Brompton? i lived in Croydon Park along South Rd. Heh, we were pretty close location wise.

yes there really should have been an Adelaide hook up already. Whenever i'm down there next i'll try and get to a meet if you are having one at the time.

and a question i have to ask all Adelaide people i meet, Power or Crows fan? biggrin
sounds exactly what i need right now F....when are we going? i'm fooken cooking over here in tranmere!

as for the adelaide SG burlesque, so happy to hear that.....any idea on the date?
YAY!! I Changed my preerences for uni and have now been offered my new first prefrence... BA at city west campus of uni sa.
Is five minutes drive and fiteen minute ride (if that) along the river.
Gotta be stoked with that.... biggrin
ah sweet as... biggrin youre excited too. youre gonna love it..
Any chance on helping out with this? SGB Street Team
My peaches are finally ready and they are deliciously sweet and juicy, I'm eating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
I really need to get a good computer chair, i have been spending lots of time online lately and its killin my neck and back.... any suggestions of good or inexpensive chairs would be soo welcome. I think i want one of those ones with...
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I can't think of any...and it would have to look good to (I'm in the market for a computer chair to).
The most frightening vegan item I have ever seen is a fake crayfish composed entirely of...umm, errr shit? and coloured orange with food colouring. puke
yeah those lobsters are very strange....i've seen 'mock duck' and tofu bacon at the central markets puke
I am enjoying hearing the pitter patter of the steady rain on my steel roof. I like the weather today its not cold but overcast and interesting. I love summer but its nice to get a break in amongst those 30+ days.
oh my, i'm discussing the weather........ eeek
cooled down rather dramtically here too,its great,bring on autumn i say, and the footy!! as much as ive enjoyed the A-league there's somethin kinda wrong about watching football in the heat.

well,i got to the Corner last night for the Mark of Cain gig.SOLD OUT!! meh,nevermind.saved myself a few $.
I need some fast money. any ideas? have already considered and dispensed of ideas involving balaclavas.
Fruit picking? Temping? Stripping?

Hey, I could be a wrinkly old man who just wants a nice girl to send nudie shots to!! Nah, really I'm middle aged and I've been told it's huge wink
(don't worry, I'm joking)
Sydney, you?
hot, sweaty, moody and lethargic. Bring on that cool change and let there be storms with thunder and lightning....
Of course... I love checking out other artists' work. If you friend has a site, I'd love to see it!
Hey sweetie. The weather is sooo humid here!
Oh, and thanks for checkin' out my site.
It's birthday was 1st of December so she's just a baby smile I'm spending so much time nurturing her that I really do feel like a new momma!

Did ya leave me a message on my guestbook wink

And to answer your question... I've seen 6ft Hick once. they're cwazy!!

Big hugs to you!

I went to a fantastic exhibition the other night, a friend who calls herself Clara Tzara does clever things with Barbie Dolls..... it was so good to go to an exhibition and actually hear people laughing! There was no snooty high brow nonsense, just a diverse array of people, good music and lots of wine and great art. I never drink wine normally, but you...
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thanks smile
well no, i haven't been playing up, yet.. um, these mates are trying to steer me away from this girl.. theyve done alright so far...
sounds like that night was worth it tho, a good crowd at something like that makes a great night.. an ex had some talent in that sphere..
we plan to be doing alot of sailor/rockabilly type jewelry in the future so def. expect to see some anchors in there.
This year i am gonna go to the gym at least three times a week, am gonna try and stop taking shit so personal, and am gonna try and be a nicer person.
Well, I dropped all of my preferences for Beauty Services and made library studies my number one preference...after a quick chat with SATAC today it has been established that my first preference for library studies is "active" (apparently that's good and I shouldn't worry, mainly because there are still places left in that course) How has your week been progressing? Busy? Did you get my email?

[Edited on Jan 04, 2006 4:50PM]
We should meet up, shouldn't we? smile
oh my godfather...
I surprise even myself at how silly i can be sometimes....went to the beach today (38 C) for a couple of hours and didn't slip slop slap and now i'm lobstered like a fucken aussie christmas. I just soaked in a cold bath for an hour to try and stop the burning feeling on my back but it is still there....now i...
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