well this was an interesting weekend.... i broke p with my girl friend then bought a new comtuter..... and had an amazing night with jordan...... hes nothing serious but awesome fun. very cute and sweet......still miss her but its cool she dont miss me..... i feel shes falling away from me by herself. i know she is my soul mate but she doesnt want to...
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I bought a new computer last week, but the one I have is 5 years old and locks up at least twice a day
this person that ive found is freaking me out... she is alike me in so manyways but different in so many others... i know she is not ready for what i want and thts cool i guess.... im never gonna get what i want.... she already left me.... but thiis new person im finding things i dont like bouther and im always thinking of mady.......
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i feel alone as well, sometimes it is worse than others
Never alone!
You have a whole band that has your back!
Keep your head up!
-Kelly BEar
if you wanna run away thats fine but i never thought it would come to this... every time i wanna care about this girl you run in my mind.....yes i get along with her really well but i told my self two years ago who my true soul mate was... and that hasnt changed.... that is why i cant speak to soon.... i linger on...
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please dont give me a chance to find someone else.. when i know i would be happier with you...and believe that
Danny I never wanted to lose you but I felt like i knew you better as friend than I could ever as a girlfriend. Plus I lost you a long time ago before you blew me off on Sunday. I'm sorry about the way things ended and I'm sorry to lose you but I care about your happiness. I do believe this new girl will be amazing for you maybe you two could even become famous. Despite the fact that you hate me and want me dead I wish you the best of luck with your life and your court hearing. I'm sure everthing will work out and remember to be honest to this girl because honest really is the best quality and you have all the other qualities down. Goodbye and goodluck forever your memory.
ok as fate would have it i told the one i love i couldnt be involved in any way with her any more and it hurt like i knew it would......but something amazing happened... i met someone who is me more thn i am..... she is a musician and wants to start a band and all our music is perfectly matched....i feel likei met my...
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if you wanna run away thats fine...i never said i found my soul mate... but the more you judgethe more you lie to yourself....we both know what we want...your just to afraid and you proved that
You say you didnt say you found your soul mate yet above you say i feel like i met my sole mate. You threatened my life and told me you hate me and want me out of town. trust me I'm working on it and I hope truly that you are happy with your new girl. I also hope everything gooes well today.
i did it im sorry fellas but i told her i cannot continue to be her friend until she is ready to love me .. i stiill need to pot pics but she is gone now ... i now shedoesnt love me....but i will always love her......that will never change.... i will always trust , fall, feel weak, cry , smile, laugh, and miss her........
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been there done that
into the fields we go, let us explore... take my hand without asking and trust in where i lead ...such a beautiful path we trot down but watch for the blades of grass.......no there not cutting you, the blood is nothing just follow me....through the stream so calmly flowing in its silence.....not deep but your drowning....this is the stream of sadness and you are drinking...
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thats the problem babe i am falling into the black but your just watching... i hope you like your view....cause im reaching out for you...
i need to know how to do this but it is very delicate... my revenge is at hand and only a hairline away from becoming reality... but i hesitate.. im afraid.... but i shouldnt be, why should i care when they dont...why should i stop in my tracks to what i know will bring me great joy in seeing them suffer... oh yeah i have...
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do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it

Sorry I make you so miserable and you think I'm so selfish. I just dont know what to do but i feel like im losing you and your slipping into this black pit and it scares me. Im sorry all of this happened.

Dream at day and
Dream in dark
Dreams that were so far apart
Dreams so sad
Dreams of smiles
Youve been my dream for quite a while
Dreams so blind and
Dreams of sight
Dreams without you bring a world of fright
Dreams of bells and
Dreams of time
Dreams of thinking all is fine
Dreams of fears, night terrors, and tears
Dreams of...
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Dreams of love that was, will, and forever be
now that is a dream i would like to see as a reality
ok folks... the time has come ill be releasing some nice photos.. and writings of my soon to be album in order of life occurance.... check back for heartbreak with a side of boner hhe
ok, cant wait to read it
you suck at life!!!!!!

thank you eeek
smile I heard life eventually gets better...I am still waiting...
venting is allowed
hey there this is another small one i pulled out of my asss... its what i though when she left me.....the referencs to light is madison and the moon is someone i use to talk to who she hate, and the night was my way of life....

A sad story true

Through all of my lifes endeavors, stumbling upon the lap of an amazing soul...
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I'm sorry, but you don't have your profile filled out in the "gender" category, plus your poetry or prose here calls you a man. you may not at this time join Girls Only.

unless a SuicideGirl can personally vouch that she knows you in real life.
sometimes things just seem to work out that way frown
i think i am finally starting to hate... its just becomeing so hard to not tell her how i feel....why do i even bother .. why dont i hate her already... why do i keep trying.... oh thats right im in love.....

here is a peom i wrote a while ago...

A beautiful storm,

Wake to an early chirp and watch the darkness lose yet...
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I was a manager for years at a variety of places. I know bullshit complaints, and I also know that really good servers are very hard to find. The made a mistake, and will not get any more of my business at that location, ever.
yeah i do to...what comics do you like?