Normally I find online shorts to be the lowest form of comedy, but this one really did it for me:

Things that make you go surreal :

olim, adv., at that time, once, formerly; in the future

It's kind of like the same word meaning never and ever. You can mostly figure it out from context, but you wonder about the linguistic path that could have led to this intersection.

In preparation for what is going to be a long, frustrating listen tonight, I found these pieces to be interesting reflections on how things may have managed to go quite so far from what might have been expected almost seven years ago:

Jacob Weisberg's "The Bush Who Got Away"

William Saletan's "The tragic stubbornness of George W. Bush"
This is something I've been thinking about for a good while; and, even though I know of positively no one who reads this (perhaps *because* I know of no one who reads this) I wanted to set it down. It's self-indulgently long though, so I shall place it behind a spoiler.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I have been a console gamer geek for as much...
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At some point in the last five years, I stopped making any sense to myself. It becomes evident now on a daily basis.

I wonder if it will all settle down at some future date, or if I will just have to bluff myself as well as other people forever.