I think I managed to find a cheat code for impressing women today; take them on a really shitty date.

Obviously that's only tongue in cheek but this morning I went with a chick I've been seeing for the last few weeks for coffee/breakfast and the place was an absolute train wreck.

It was almost an hour before we even got our food, and even...
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I was looking forward all week to a quiet weekend at home on my own not doing anything.

Now I'm here in the middle of it I just feel completely bored and lonely.

I deadset cannot win even in my own damn head.

Im gonna pull my hair out if I have to spend another weekend alone lol
@emibot there's times where I love it and don't feel even remotely social, but now is not one of those times.

In exactly 40 days I'll be flying to LA.

And I found out yesterday I'm getting a $1000 cash bonus at work at the end of October.


The next month needs to be super kind and fly by really quickly.


I went out last night for a mate's birthday and one club we went to had a cocktail called the Black Sabbath and it was about 60% black Sambucca and it was incredible.


Officially racked up the most awkward moment of my entire life yesterday, so there’s that.

I don't want to be purposefully vague but it all harks back to a period of my life I'm completely ashamed of and want to put behind me forever.

The world can just be a horrifyingly small place.


Once I get to America in November I'm going to see:

- Gwar

- LA Kings v Vancouver Canucks

- LA Lakers v Charlotte Hornets

- Bad Religion

- Steel Panther & Judas Priest

- Kiss

I'm watching the Lakers and Bad Religion play ON THE SAME DAMN NIGHT in LA.

I'm so fucking keen and it's still two whole months away.




I sure can pick them.

I guarantee in a room full of women I’ll always be able to zero in on the one nutter.



Whenever you hear/see the phrase “just a random question”, especially if it’s from someone of the opposite sex, it’s never going to end well for you.


I have disproportionately high standards for someone with so little to offer.

Is being aware of that going to make me change at all?



I'm so sick of high school bullshit.

Surely if you've been getting to know someone, gone out a couple of times, the decent thing would be to let them know if you're not interested.

I'm not stupid, I knew it wasn't going anywhere, there were plenty of signs and no real chemistry, but the least you could do would be to at least say 'hey...
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I love it when I find out that people I look up to or famous people like the same things I like.

Like I freaked out a little bit this afternoon listening to the new episode of The Jasta Show podcast with Mark from Suicide Silence when they both said how much they love Thy Art Is Murder.

I know it's silly but I feel...
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I went to see The Used and Taking Back Sunday Friday night.

The Used were decent, they weren't amazing but then I've never been a huge fan of theirs. I still enjoyed their old school stuff like I Caught Fire and Buried Me Alive and all that. And they covered Killing In The Name Of for the outro of their last song and had the...
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