It has been a few days since i have last written not realizing that my SG subscription was renewed the start of June..... i guess know where that extra bit of spending money went, meh fuck it i was torn between renewing or not would not be the first time the first year i joined i ended up cancelling my subscription and deleting everything i...
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So many crystals ^^
Ha ha yep @caraphernelia :) now to make some more jewelry from it :) should be fun

i have been really bad lately with any form of updating or documentation of well anything lately , life has been at a stand still for me and it has become more apparent that the struggle and the lifestyle i am living as a commercial scuba really is not working for me. Within the last week i have had my health drop drastically with almost...
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Once again I tried uploading a video and it wouldn't happen so I'll have to write it out today before I leave for a week for work I will be sending in my 2 weeks notice for work and will no longer be a commercial scuba diver anymore it haa been struggle in my eyes that isn't with fighting anymore I am not getting anywhere...
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Sunday was a wierd mixture good and bad my day started with some good thrifting and getting some new things to read

Ended up finding a Spiderman and a punisher comic at the farmers market and also into the wild a book I am excited to finally read because I can really relate with the mindset mark supertramp has on the world and how he
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I hope you get your van fixed soon!!
@iggy I eventually got my vehicle fixed after a agonizing 30km hour and half drive back to town lucky my battery died just as I arrived in a Walmart parking lot. Then it was just a matter of getting the part and bit of elbow grease and some luck with a stranger passing by to help me out and a boost it came together 

I have been trying to upload some videos I have made today and to no avail it did not happen the library and Walmarts parking lot is really really bad for uploading so if your living on the road be prepared and have you own sadly at this rate I won't be able to get anything on YouTube when I start my channel sadly. Hopefully...
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I am really bad at social media as you all can tell I tend to be really spacey with writing and postings anything new , I need to work on this and be more assertive and put things up about van life and the profession of my van and life in general. I recently filmed a video that I should up load would be a...
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These last couple days have been very interesting and very busy there has been a lot of time to work on my new van which i have rightfully nicked "THE Beast" ha ha i think its awesome and spend time with a couple friends hanging our around a camp fire chatting and making smores and just trying to figure where in the hell we fit...
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i know that writing and putting up personal happenings of my life does not happen at all anymore but it use to about a year ago when i first joined suicide girls i was so ecstatic to join this site after being a huge fan for so many years and going through a huge break up definitely stoked to fire on my ass to join...
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I hear you on the kidney problems....I developed it from long distance commercial driving as well. I was told it was the truck vibrations mixed with my terrible partying habits **eye roll** but omg that VAN!! So WONDERFUL <3  I love a good van ESP when it's converted into an RV or travel van!! I became an RV tech recently becuz I wish I was a gypsy :) keep smiling dude!
@cherryfae im not sure how my kidney problems happened the doctors could never pin point it or tell me the issue either but my party werent the best either for a while but i was also throwing freight 10hrs a day too at the time so that didnt help the cause much, lately i have been living out of a the my truck and it is only a extended cab while diving sleeping in walmart parking lots i needed something new thats for sure, i am loving my van so far there is so much i can do with it. I am giving myself two months to get the van livable so i can quit my job and travel for 3 or 4 months out of it than find somewhere new to live with a good art scene where i can dive back into everything again and get more tattoos as well :)