I've said it once, and I'll say it again...Whenever you go to your cd collection, and you're standing there stumped, because you just can't decide what to listen to....Go with the Rolling Stones...Most likely any one'll do...And once it's in, it's always the right choice...

Here, make yourself a cd/playlist...

01. Sway
02. Dead Flowers
03. Stray Cat Blues
04. The Spider & The Fly...
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Just hadn't had a cry in a while.

Hmmmm........I have never been one to resist "temptation"
Hmm...does resisting temptation have to do with being a good girl? Cause my new years resolution was that...?

Falling James in the Tahoe mud
Stick around to tell us all the tale
Well he fell in love with a Gun Street girl
And now he's dancing in the Birmingham jail
Dancing in the Birmingham jail

He took a hundred dollars off a slaughterhouse Joe
Brought a brand new Michigan twenty-gauge
He got all liquored up on that road house corn
Blew a hole...
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Yup, that's what that is.
I never read song lyrics posted anywhere. tongue
Well, that's just about it....I'll be moving the last couple of boxes, clothes, guitars n' such this weekend...The new place is way nicer....Damn near the Ramada compared to where I was staying...Change was long overdue...And hey, there's internet...

Looky here, bub. When I speak, I speak outa the goodness of my heart. If'n you can't repsek that...go piss in a lake.
Surely I jest right back. Do you think I normally used such words as Looky, bub, outa, and respek? tongue

Alas, my weekend doeth arrive...The clock hath been punched and the apron folded away with great haste...A weekend of home front labor is upon mine household as I look on to Saturday's morn with greatest contempt for the heavy lifting it doeth bring forth...

"Lift with ease - straight back, bent knees..." Sage advice I found printed on the side of a vending machine coffee...
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What, all that time at TJ's didn't teach you that?
That makes me wonder what you heard whilst working there.
Call me crazy, but I don't mind the rain all that much...I mean of course, if I'm aware of the forecast I'll most likely bring along my "Samsonite TK47 Super Umbrella" and stay drip dry....But every now and then, I actually LIKE getting caught in it...It's quite invigorating in a way...Once you get past the "Ahh I'm getting wet!" bit and just go ahead and...
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Today's journal entry will be presented to you in the traditional Mad Lib, format...

Well, thus far my day has been quite _________ (adjective)...To say the least, the ________ (adjective) _________(noun) that I ate for breakfast were utterly __________(adjective)...Was that __________(noun) they put in that?...I don't know, but I ate them quite _________(adverb)!...I couldn't help it...But those two _________(nouns) sitting next to me were __________(adjective)...
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Adverbs are crap.
mad libs!!!

hey, i'm around, but i can't really talk on my phone here, the reception is terrible, i only get to check my phone when i'm out driving around. so i rarely talk except to make plans.
but you're in my thoughts. smile
And so it has come to pass...Or is on the verge of coming to pass...My dearest friend...My brother and former hetero-lifemate, readies himself for the ultimate promise...Yes, the boy is getting married...And way sooner that I had envisioned...It seems I'll be heading to Las Vegas in April to stand by the throwin' Samoan's side as his best man...I'm thrilled...Good for him...If anyone could help restore...
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My days, they are the highway kind.
They only come to leave.
But the leavin I dont mind
Its the comin that I crave.
Pour the sun upon the ground.
Stand to throw a shadow.
Watch it grow into a night
And fill the spinnin sky.

Time among the pine trees
It felt like breath of air.
Usually I just walk these streets
And tell...
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Who? Is that Steve Van Zandt's cousin or something?
Facetiously is the only word in the English language that contains all the vowels (including sometimes "y") in order!!! tongue
Well, today's the 18th...Just about 3 weeks into the new year...So far I have managed to uphold my new year's resolutions...Nothing too big mind you...I don't like to set too high a bar for myself...But so far, so good....

So far...

I have reaquainted myself with the public library...The newly remodeled Santa Monica branch is truly a glorious structure to behold...Who knew after all these...
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Haha! No worries, man. We don't talk often enough for me to be pissed at you for not knowing. wink
i love chopsticks....hey sorry i have taken so long to write you back!! but don't worry, my crystal ball says we may be having lunch at calivegan before february is over.. biggrin
and hopefully strumming some GP tunes too. oh thanks for the nice comment on my new set!
In the event that you may want to kick the New Year off with a some new tunes on your ipod, I have some perty cool suggestions for you...

Now my own personal collection of cds consists primarily of bands that where in their prime before most of the members of this website clawed their way out of the womb...But in the event you want...
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And what about us that do not own iPods, huh? Do we not exist or something?
Hey, I got a fucking cell phone. Baby steps, bitch.

Honestly, between the holidays and the wedding stuff I haven't done much reading. The few pages I've glanced at have filled me with glee and other related emotions, but I thought it would only be fair to with hold any real words on it until I'd actually been able to read it.

Oh, and this guy whatever is just fed up with this guy mad