Hey everybody...sorry its been so long since ive updated yall on whats going on with me. Well first off ive been reading alot,right now im reading "The secret life of Houdini" its pretty good so far. Ive been reading it soo much that i havent really did much of anything else...i mean my yard looks horrible because i havent mowed it in like 3 weeks...
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I saw that book at Borders the other day, perhaps I should have picked it up.
Ouch! That sucks.

I'm actually glad that bees are dying out. They needed to pay some day for being complete dicks.
Hey everybody. I dont really have a whole lot to update yall on so this time around im just gonna make a wish list. If any of my wishes offend you....sorry. Here goes.......

Wish one---I wish I had my baby here with me right now.

Wish two---I wish i could quit smoking for good.

Wish three---I wish it was october already,I love halloween.

Wish four---I...
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Im a halloween baby and I love it too!! smile
Ditto! whatever
Well the "no smoking" thing isnt going soo great after yesterday. When I got to work my bossman informed me that id been moved down again. So now im doing what I did when i first started there over 3 years ago. Its total bullshit cause the only reason he is doing that is because i dont kiss his ass like all the other guys...
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ohh noooo I think you can do it with the stress babe I mean I am always stressed some how but I am on day 5
maybe try again in a few days
So I ve been thinking alot yall......I think this time im really gonna quit smoking. Its getting to the point where i smoke more and more everyday and I dont like it. Im soo worried about getting cancer and not being able to grow old that its really starting to get to me. plus id save a tone of money cause my ciggs are almost...
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Good luck! You can do it. My last pack ran out on Wednesday and I have not bought another one.
thats good doll I am on my 4th day no smokes and yes its hard if you need a buddy lemme know
So im getting another tattoo this friday. Its gonna be on my right hand so im pretty sure its gonna hurt. Its gonna be a metal pumpkin with tubes and stuff coming out of it,kinda like its living off my hand. Ive wanted to get it for years but never had enough money to do it until now. When it gets done ill put pics...
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yay for new ink!!! can't wait to see it!

Hey everybody...whats going on?? Im still trying to get this car wreck mess fixed. The guy never filed the accident with his insurance soo im having to hunt him down using my insurance agent...good times. I do have some good news though...im thinking about getting my other tattoo sometime soon. I know who I want to do it but he stays kinda busy soo its...
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Damn that sucks about the car.
Hope it gets worked out!
hey baby!
thank you!!!

how are you??
kiss kiss
So today I got in another car wreck. I got rear ended again. The thing that pisses me off the most is like a year ago I got rear ended on the same road and it was almost in the same spot. Im soo pissed off...my car looks like shit and i gotta drive it like that for now. This has just been a really...
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awww sweetie I hope you're ok. sorry about the bad day. thats no fun at all
Hope things start looking up for you

Soo let me begin with how my 4th of July went. Every year I do a bbq and this year was no different. Only this year I lost all the hair on my left arm...lol When I went to open the gril the flames from it just engulfed my whole arm,buring evey hair off my arm. I hate the smell of burnt hair...yuk!! Well after...
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Well here is what ive been doing as of late. Ive just been trying to catch up on my comic book reading. In case you didnt know...Captain America is dead. He has been around since like the 40's and its sucks to see him go(he was assasinated) but ill sure he will return intime. Only it will be a different guy in the costume. If...
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oh sad.... I want to be a comic book nerd.. And I say that in the most loving way possible. One of my friends told me a really good one to read and I forgot... Do you know any good ones with a female Heroine? I'm all about females kicking ass... I'd like to think that if There was a comic book of my life I would be a kick ass female superhero.. a psw one of course.. well just wondering what you were up to. i'll ttyl
its okay to be a nerd. nerdiness is better. oh How I love Xmen. I really got into the movies and i'm bound and determined to buy the comics to go with them. I'm a pretty big nerd I just never really got into comic books. right now i can't get enough of all things transformers... even before the movie came out i was a transformers geek..