I saw V for Vendetta this evening and I must say it was an excellent film. My apologies to anyone from England who is offended by things that happen in the film. I must say that it was a believable vision of the future and things like the government that was depicted in the film are unfortunately a possibility in the future I also believe...
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Thanks for the comments - on the set and entry- as well as the kind words ^__^ Rock on - and i can't wait to see that movie! kiss kiss
I have to be cheesy and say dolphins.
Ok here is what is going on here in Ohio. I got a what some people may call a promotion at work. I don't call it a promotion because I am not getting paid any extra money and I dont like the job. I had one of the best jobs in the world I answered e-mail for Expedia.com I would go to work fire up...
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Today I received a letter from my school, Coastal Carolina University I have been re admitted as a student yep I am now going to be returning to school studying Marine Science. Ocean here I come.
Thanks so much!

And congrats on the schoolin'!
That would be dreamy. I love the cephalopods.
I am so tired right now it was a very long day at work oh well tomorrow is my Wednesday so that is good. I am still waiting to hear more info from school god I cannot wait to get back there I will finally get to move on with my life and that will be really cool. If all goes as planned within 3...
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Ahh long time no update but then thats probably ok I don't think anyone reads this as of yet but hey its fun. Well my exile here in Ohio looks to be almost over. It appears as if I will soon be allowed to return to school to get my degree and then grad school its going to be hard but I now know I...
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It's 6:25am as I type this into the magic box that will send it into cyberspace and I am going to bed. It has been an odd couple of days with much happiness and sadness but all in all I think that almost everything is going to be fine. ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!!
Another day another hurricane and more site updates. Whenever the powers that be decide to update the travel website that I work for it inevitably leads to a shit load of more work for my team and I. Usually we have nothing to do on Sunday but tonight we were slammed and that pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its one of those nights as usual I am board and want something to do. I am drinking rum and coke and wishing I am somewhere else. I have lived many places and led many different types of lives. I have learned much yet I still seek the things that I cannot have right now. It is times like this that I am the loneliest....
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I am getting tired of dry land I think it is time to go back to the beach. I need the sound of the waves at night to lull me to sleep. I need the sensation of being 100 ft underwater while feeding sharks on a shipwreck. Most importantly I need to finish my degree in Marine Science so I can move to California to...
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Good day to all. I am just finishing up my weekend yea yea I know its Saturday morning what is he talking about well you see dear readers my days off are Thursday and Friday so I consider that my weekend. Tomorrow another full day of my job answering e-mail yea I know its exciting. Oh well It will only last until I go back...
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Thanks a lot for the compliment I appriciate it!
Good day to all this is my first entry and I just wanted to say hey.