9 days to graduation.

I have fucked up my summer. The plan was to do music gigs about 3-4 days a week and hustle up some scattered Video gigs for my new production company. Well, I have not been so sucessful in booking the band, everyone wants an established group. Well my established gig sucks so I want my own. We rule so give me...
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You're right. I think it was back in high school that I realized that the quantity of friends you have doesn't really mean too much. It's really the quality of friends that matter. When I was in high school I really had only one true best friend. I was the same for her and we spent all our time together and I don't remember ever being unhappy because I felt that I was lonely or unloved. My best friend loved me more than 10 people combined and that's all that mattered. I was truly happy. Looking back everyone else was truly just an acquaitance.

The same is true today. There are several people I keep in touch with but the only person who matters is my best friend since the 3rd grade. She lives in Kentucky but we call each other often and when she comes home or I go visit her it's like we were never apart. I love it!

Enjoy your graduation party!kiss
hey man

good to see you out wednesday

and we finally met after several weird affiliations
well have to hang out again

lemme know if some video stuff is going on
or just email me about whatever
Nothing but happiness today.

I have completed the last of my writing for this degree. I only have one exam to take next week. the only challenge left is cutting my film before saturday. I have all but two reels cut into scenes and then I can start putting it together. My new problem is that we found out last night that the cement I...
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Son of a bitch!

What the fuck happened in this country? I am under the impression that now that the industrial revolution is over here and continuing trade agreements culminating in the NAFTA treaty have all but eliminated manual labor jobs in this country,leading to our work force being service industry driven. (I'm ranting, forgive the grammer) So why the fuck can't I get any...
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in class i used omegas but at home i use a bessler not sure which model but its compatable with medium format, currently i am not doing darkroom work since i moved and lost the space i once had
Aww! Sorry to hear about that, and totally not surprised it happened to someone else. I'm opening a boutique, since you asked -- online only right now, though I'll be taking tables at some of the Cleveland summer haunts (near W. Side Market, etc) & I'd like to find a reasonably-priced retail space, too...

I'm really starting to dislike the USPS immensely.
I find that I don't have much to say when I am not upset. I tend to make good points when I am pissed about something. Does this make me a little bitch?

Here's a bit of excitement: I have and audition to be a drummer in a well-known local band. The strange thing about this is that I was a founding member of this...
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The best points are made when someone is feeling passionate about something.. and pissiness is passionate.. so type on! ooo aaa
I guess that ceremony was Buddhist.

Tao eh? Very cool. How long have you been praticing and what made you get into that?
I work in a digital video editing lab. For the most part I deal with kids who have no idea what they are doing. There are two theories as to why this is:

1) Their teachers are incompetent.

2) They are jerking off while in class, miss the instruction then expect me to do their work for them.

I make minimum wage here. I listened...
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Does frizzy black hair and clown make up scare you?tongue

I don't hate Americans. And for the most part I agree with what you're saying but sometimes I just want to say "Fuck you robot!!!" robot

Computers can suck. Admit it.wink
It would be great if you stopped by my journal soon and asked me questions...biggrin
Musicians are really the worst bunch of fuckups. You can't rely on them in any sense. Don't expect them to practice, to have money they owe you or to arive even close to the time which they are expected.

Anyone know a good singer in the Cleveland area?
Thank you for joining my new group. You are awesome. Please spread the word. Thanks again.

"I once thought that I was a misanthrope, but then I realized that I just really hated people."
I read your profession and I just fuckin' made it up. No lie. wink
YES! Lets get extremely pissed! You should be. You are being screwed!

Do what you want. Be who you want to be. The only difference among those who bitch about the state of their lives are the level of their commitment to do something about it. Don't come whine to me that America sux and politicians are all corrupt assholes then tell me you don't...
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The rate I lose earplugs, I just use the 50 cent ones out of the vending machine at the Black Cat.
****I was thinking of making a group for pretentious intellectual types. something like "intellejente" What do you think?****

Sounds like a plan. Right now there is no review or approval required for groups, so they are instantly set up when you apply.
The radio weatherman said that it was going to snow today (wed) and I was hella sick last night but wouldn't you know it was beautiful and I felt great. So I call m favorite cameraman and actor and we hit the road and shot 8 rolls of Super8.

We had a blast. I directed and played a dead body. My friend dragged me 100...
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sorry that you believe the lie that Dems still stand for the working class, they have long ago turned thier back on us. frown

How can you say you have few friends when you have 6 pages of comments to one entry?

Upon first glance yes it does indeed look like I have a lot of friends---long friend list and lots of pages. But keep in mind that the comments normally all come from the same handful of people that keep in touch with me on a regular basis. Also it's over the course of two days. It also invloves a lot of commenting back and forth. It's almost like chatting. If I just left a journal entry and never commented back to anyone I wouldn't have many pages.

Hey what do you do for a living that you get to go out and shoot stuff?

I am so fucking sick! I started in a bad place this morning and have gotten progressively worse as I trudged through my 12 hour work day. The consolation: If I am contageous, I gave it to a whole lot of people!

So, the hope that I could go out and shoot some Super 8 tomorrow may be shot. If I feel like this tomorrow...
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Hey man, what's up, you're close to me, just thought I'd say hey, though I'm not a hot chick either.
I don't have a huge following!!! LOL.

There are actually only a handful of people on my friend list who maintain regular contact with me. Most of the others are either random commentors or people that are soon to be off my list all together.tongue You've commented more than a few of those people have---wtf???

Are you one of the people that hangs out and parties with Stirfry?
Depression is a bitch. You are down, you want to be left alone but you've got responsibilities and you've got to truudge on or it will be worse if you let more shit pile up.

You need to talk to somebody but that someone is not available and iit's no good crying into a phone to someone 40 miles away. Of course the asshole who...
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