Well I wish all of you a very happy,drug induced, sexy,alcaholic, jamming, so stuffed you can't move weekend. And to get it started a few lyrics. Peace!! eeek wink shocked tongue

Hits From The Bong
Hits From The Bong
Hits From The Bong
Hits From The Bong

Pick it, pack it, fire it up, come aloooong
and take hits from the boooong
Put the blunt down just for a...
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I had this girl

she said she loved me,

thought there was no one ever above me,

she wanted to marry

and have my child,

but evil dick

he had to get buck wild.

Took me out one night

out with the freaks

if ever there was pussy, evil dick would seek.

My girl caught me skeezin she said

I wasnt shit!

I said, It...
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thanks for the birthday wish. . ps. i get buck wild.
Ok I am going to do lyrics of the day. Today one of my favorite artists. Here we go..weeeeee

"Freeze" was the sound
I started lettin' off rounds,
lay the whole fuckin' room down
I don't wanna see Your Honor,
Ratha eat pirhana from Benny Hana,
Smokin' marijuana in my sauna,
Well another weekend down the tubes. Didn't get a whole lot of packing done. Whatever. I 'll get it done next weekend. whatever
Well another weekend at hand, and only 2 weeks till I get a bigger Apt. Woooo Hoooo bad news is I have to box up everything this weekend. frown
Hope everyone else has a fucking GREAT weekend!!!
I have been packing for 4 mo. I have no idea where all this stuff came from..grrrr....
Thank you Voltaire!! I feel better, had a bit of the flu. I hope everybody is doing ok with all that is going on right now here and there.
Not feeling too well today.
I hope you feel better.......
unfortunately for the office equipment, I don't work there as of last week.. I resigned.
Well hells bells. I forgot it was Patty's day,WTF here is my wearing o' the green wink shocked

On another note:
"We had something to learn, now it's time for the wheel to turn. Grains of sand one by one, before you know it alllll gonnne"

Well a lazy sunday with Mom Dad and Granny. Went to Applebees and had a salad. Loved on my mom and dads new little pup. She is such a sweetie!!! love

Well the weekend is FINALLY here!!! Hoo-fucking-Rah
And another day of nothing but surfing this site and trying to keep the drool to a minimum. Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend.

Quote of the day:Think again Mojambo.