Don't you hate it when you've been thinking about eating something all day that you have at home and when you finally get home its spoiled or someone else has already eaten it? Ugh, I do.

I'm graduating college in June and I don't think its a big deal. Everyone else is trying to convince me otherwise.
Ouch. Is that both ankles or just two angles? Howd you do that?

What are you graduating in?
I don't have that problem mostly because I rarely have food at home. Keeping a kitchen stocked is not my forte.

graduation is a big deal in that you've completed something. Seen it through to the end, something not everyone else can claim that often, especially something that has required the dedication of years of your life. You may not see it as a big deal in that you've seen the progression, such as not seeing yourself lose weight until someone who hasn't seen you in a while is astounded by the change. It just requires perspective.
You may not see the significance, but I congratulate you all the same.
Is that your wrist in the x-ray?
I just got my paycheck for the last two weeks. $173, it feels like I've worked so much harder than that. Oh and I figured out that at my unpaid internship every other intern is getting paid to work there.

Does someone have the answer to the rest of my life because in December I will have a bachelors degree and no more supplementary funding....
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You know you've reached a new low point in nerd-dom when you're actually excited about receiving a piece of gear in an MMORPG.

Good news is that I'm losing weight because the fridge is too far from my computer. Wait, is that good news?
Thanks for your comment on my last set, I'm glad you liked it! smile
Is anyone going to Pride this weekend?

I really want to go but I don't really want to spend the $15.
we were in hillcrest lastnight for a diner with a friend and it was very proud . . . gushing with pride everywhere we looked .

no plans to go to the park though .

So i want to make my own bar, because I feel a lack from everyone I've been to.

I would be the bartender and I would dress like a Poison groupie from the 80s

(I just spent so long making a picture of it but now it won't upload)

But I would play only 80s/70s rock/metal.
i want to go to your bar so bad that I'm starting to grow spandex over my skin.