You know what, fuck it. Why do I care if other peoples lives get fucked over. I've got better things to worry about.
I read your other blogs. I'm sorry man. I was the one who bailed and I don't know the story between you two, and honestly I don't want to get caught up in that.

Like my friend told me, "handle your business first, and then you can hook up. You're trying way to hard to make something out of nothing."

Take care of you first bro.

Thanks for friending me and don't be a stranger!
I'm sure most of the people that have ran through her will learn on thier own. Its just a matter of time. Oh well, can't help people that don't wanna help thierselves right? Dude, I'm off work today and its SATURDAY lets go on a fucking ride! Weather is perfect! Hit me up!
So after talking to one of Jen's ex's I found out she is crazy. What she does is use men and draw them into relationships then drop them like hot potatos. Im so glad I was able to talk to rick "her ex" he made me feel so much better about my situation. I thought that I was doing something wrong while in reality she...
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I don't know what the fuck happaned but I lost her, and I'm pretty sure its for good.

Was it because I am selfish and didn't listen like she said or was it something completely different.

There was nothing I was going to say or do. I guess I should have just kept my mouth shut. But I couldn't any longer. The waiting and confusion...
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Yikes that sucks. But no you can not steal my dog he's mine.
I've been pretty sad recently but like someone very close to me would say "thats life". I miss that person alot. I stayed in bed pretty late, even though I got hardly any sleep. Went with my mom to lunch and the ups store to send out my 600 dollar motorcycle jacket that was to big. The new one should be here soon. I'll take...
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You do stupid shit when you feel like you have nothing to lose.