Apparently my ability to get birds out of chimneys and kill spiders makes me the best...I can't help but feel the standard has been lowered somewhat :P

have spent the last few days watching twin peaks...I enjoyed it even if it left me partially confused :P

Games wise been playing Wolfenstein: The New Order (good fun over the top shooter), Murdered: Soul Suspect (Brilliant story...
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So my 2 weeks off work is coming to an end, it's been a good couple of weeks, been home, been to London, seen Neutral Milk Hotel and Nine Inch Nails, saw the new X-Men film and grew a year older

Life could be better but it could ultimately be a lot worse

now, the music

Yuck - The Wall

Eels - Not Ready Yet...
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Happy belated! I'd love to see NMH. Heard they put on an awesome show.
@haxa they certainly did, it was incredibly good to see

Past my 24 month point of having any sort of intimate contact, this sucks ass


hooray officially 28...so what's supposed to change this year?

Been to see Neutral Milk Hotel last night and got Nine Inch Nails tonight, going to be a good weekend of music


I'm back home for a pre-birthday visit, never have I been more glad I moved out, yes I miss my family and friends and the north, but it's so smothering not having time to myself and being asked to do things all the time.

Looking forward to the rest of my time off work, going to London to hang with my friend/Manatee collaborator for drinking,...
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Every time I lay eyes on you

I can't help but feel nervous and weird inside

Every time I lay eyes on you

I start to quake and shake

Why can't I get you out of my head?

Why can't I get your scent from my nose?

Why can't I get your face from my retinas?

I guess I'm just a mess

it's been an...
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would you go out with me?

purely speculative question, been nearly 2 years since I've had a sniff of anything and beginning to feel like a fucking bridge troll

anyway enough depressing shit


Yuck - Suck

Dinosaur Jr. - I Don't Think So

How to Destroy Angels - Ice Age


Every time I lay eyes on you

I can't help but feel nervous and weird inside

Every time I lay eyes on you

I start to quake and shake

Why can't I get you out of my head?

Why can't I get your scent from my nose?

Why can't I get your face from my retinas?

I guess I'm just a mess

it's been an...
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ever been sat with a group of people you like and realised you don't belong there... Apparently that's a work night out for me

lol amen brother

So I am apparently safe from redundancy at this time which is good, has left me feeling a little better and less stressed

now musica!

Lost in the Trees - Love on my Side

The Ballad of Barry Allen - Jim's Big Ego

Prehistoric Dog - Red Fang

In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel