I swear, I should just have two blog entries, one for Outrage over Public Mockery and one for Trivia... I always post about one or the other. The former today... stopped at the mall to eat after a gaming tournament and a young girl, mid-teens I think, runs up alongside me and says "Hello" out of the blue... I don't know her or anything. A...
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Some simple, happy news for a change. While at the Super Wal-Mart, I was delighted to find all the monster cereals: Count Chocula, Frankenberry and Boo-Berry (my personal favorite). Usually they're only available around Halloween. Naturally, I had to buy some. smile
Aww thank you for your comment! I'm glad you liked the set!

hehe I think it's a sign of both!
Random harrassment by people in the street has me down again, or more like furious and driven to the edge of violence. Why should I be singled out for laughter, insults and derision from perfect strangers in cars or on foot? Because I'm riding a bike? Because I'm wearing shorts when it's 85 degrees out? This is the one thing that makes me completely furious....
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That sounds horrible. I live in a relatively upmarket part of the suburbs (through sheer dumb luck) and my purple hair doesn't go down so well. Some lady says to me the other day, "Sweetie, you'd look a lot prettier if you took that ring out of your lip and washed that stuff out of your hair."
I said, "You'd look a lot prettier if you were twenty years younger and twenty pounds lighter, you old crow, but I don't think that's an acceptable thing to say to somebody on the bus."

Basically, have some quick remark ready, and take up a martial art, it really lets you blow off steam.
That's one of the bad parts... I stew over the incident and come up with great snappy replies later, far too late! And with my amazing brain, I can be bothered by and reply such incidents for years!

I've mused about doing a martial art again...I took a few karate classes at the community college. Should find something different though. Hmmm, where to start?
To quote Marvin the Paranoid Android, I've been feeling very depressed. Today, I was at Target and saw the Valentime candy. My first thought was "buy some after next week, they'll be on sale." My second one was 'No one's ever going to give me anything for Valentine's day." No one ever has, outside of mandatory elementary school stuff, nor have I ever had anyone...
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While Christmas shopping today, I was hit by a bout of seasonal depression and "All alone in the crowd" depression at the same time! Not fun. Managed to get over it and complete all my shopping though. Happy hollidays all!
Thinking about going to the Hell Freezes over club event. Never been to that club, or any club like it... any advice or suggestins?
Long time no chat
I voted today! Everyone should vote... it's a civic duty and works better than just complaining. If you don't, the other, bad guys you don't like stay in power. Plus you lose the right to complain.

There was an odd ballot proposal... to take a million dollars in unclaimed lottery money and make the election into a drawing... one lucky voter wins a million bucks....
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Another birthday! I don't feel any different, and I haven't acheived any of my New Year's resolutions about doing more, meeting people, better job, etc. I do OK, but have enough ambition to feel bad about my lack of ambition.
Joined SuicideBoys today... will try and shoot more nude pics of myself with a camera I borrowed... inspiration is hard, and so is stage fright, not for being nude, but for the fact so many other people have doubtless done better. Or is that performance anxiety?
Thanks for the comment on my set! kiss