Not too much to update about this time, been kinda busy working pre-season stuff out at camp so hopefully I'll actually have some money soon. Hopefully sometime this week I'll be able to go visit Knitsy with one of our friends, should be a picture filled good time and who knows, I may come home with a tattoo!

Went to the annual All Ford Show...
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he was in cable construction.
Hey, I really like your concert photography (On your Flickr).
Oh, and the cars are real nice too.
Lots of stuff to update about! I know, I know, the thought of me having a busy life must blow a few minds but every once and a while it happens!

So the art show went great I had an awesome time, met a lot of cool new people and from the comments I got people liked my pictures. So overall I feel it was...
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I'm glad your show went well smile
Yeah but what's funny is that they were visual studies classes. So it was essentially art history class. I took one in Minimalism, because I didn't like Minimalism and wanted to know why. So I was steeped in a bunch of art - which I ended up liking, actually - and because I didn't like it in the beginning, I was able to argue both sides.
If you can pick a fight or ruffle some feathers in art school, I definitely recommend it kiss
It's so much fun biggrin
Hmmm so what have I been up to lately, doing alot of kayaking with Lauren and the Town Shop. Not shooting as much in the way of photography as I would like but hopefully I'll be having a shoot on tuesday. Speaking of photography I'm gonna have my first show on June 1-3rd(official opening on the 2nd) at the White Warehouse on the corner of...
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And how
NEIL YES. I have time for a photo shoot. Are you coming up here? I've got a rad new apartment! Bring people! Call me!
Well I'm finally done with the school year, after about a month of striaght up work(4am nights very common). I'm definatly looking forward to this summer and then going to Florence for the fall semester! Wooooo!

So to celebrate the end of the semester I went in search of a new beer that one of my deviantart friends suggested to me last night, Flying Dog....
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Just realized that my picture stares at the rest of your friends.
How do, I'm about to take a look at ye art type stuff! smile
That's awesome. I'm just starting to get stuff together for a show next school year. eeek
Woooooo Spring Break! *flashes tits*

So like every year I'm still stuck in Syracuse over spring break so yeah.

Not much to update about, still trying to get some money to guage my ears up again, have a photo spread coming up in a student mag, and shooting Ra Ra Riot and The Hold Steady at their show here on the 21st pretty excited for...
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Let us unite in our love of Damone..
i'm with quinn right now.

she demands to shoot a set for us. biggrin

Damn, I'm terrible at updating shit. So what's been going on since the beginning of the semester, hmmmm.

Got my ears pierced at an 8g, just streached them to a 6g.
Shot photos at a few concerts and for a few articles, got an 11x17 spread.
Listening to alot of new music.
Still single.

i bow to you.........i can barely wear earings. im still a tomboy at heart. I can walk in heals if i REALLY tried smile
Well I'm starting to get into the swing of school, luckily studio hasn't gotten to crazy yet so I still have free time. I'm living in a house off campus with some other architecture friends, it's pretty sweet. My room is almost where I want it just gotta get a few more things, hang a few things on the walls and then done. I've started...
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So on Monday I start my job as a camp counselor at a sleep away camp for the rest of the summer. This will be my third year doing it, I'm looking forward to actually having something to do rather than sit around and be bored.

Although I am bummed I havn't been able to get together with any friends to model for some pictures,...
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Just wanted to drop a line and say what's up...

I'm the new UpstateSGNY group owner and i'm popping into people's journals from the upstate area to invite them to join the group! biggrin

i'm hoping to get enough new members interested in events to have get togethers and large events (possibly a darien lake day, or something to that effect). so stop by and see what's up... i promise there isn't even any sort of weird initiation (well, unless you want there to be... lol).


oh, and sorry about the "form letter"... this would be a super lengthy process if i tried doing it any other way. tongue
welcome to the upstate NY group!

i recommend to all of our new members that they take a minute and introduce themselves to the rest of group when they get a chance.

So School is over with, and boredom has consumed me to no end. I think I may take a photo adventure.

I've also been thinking lately about building a custom motorcycle, old school bobber style, Now to start saving up and looking for an old used frame and engine and shit for cheap. I figure I might as well do this since I don't have...
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So I come home from a weekend in Connecticut and I find my new Canon 20d here! biggrin

Now to get off my ass and go take some pictures...
ahaha. that car talk went over my head.

i know how to put air in my tires. smile