Today was gray.
Not the polished, modern, electronic gray of a high def television panel or minute computer speaker. But the gray left on a white sheet of sketch pad paper by a No. 2 lead pencil.
From this artistic gray backdrop fell a drizzling cool rain. It was a light drizzle, the kind that didn't draw out umbrellas. The kind that makes you look...
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Why subscribe to suicide girls?
I would like to say the artist in me admires the exquisite forms; the symmetry and lines of confident, exquisite, unique women both taut and relaxed like strings on a guitar or an ancient handcrafted violin. The artist in me would say he enjoys the way black tattoos accent and add directions like artistic road signs on some, and colorful...
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you've certainly got a way with words smile

Thank you and Hello. I appreciate the praise.
Greetings from a humble son of the south. I come looking for the mad ones, "mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time ..."
Please pardon me while I admire your beauty and attempt to share my wit with a sinister smirk aimed in your general direction.
Dr Quioxtic is a world class name.

Greetings from a humble son of New England.
Thanks for the greeting. Glad you dig the tag. Feel free to drop by and send some words in my general direction anytime. I'll probably let my fingers do the walking in random directions too because that's just how I smurf. I raise a glass to my fellow nocturnals. Cheers!biggrin