Ok, so I procrastinated on a huge paper that was due in my Tuesday night class. So I pulled an all-nighter to finish it, and then in order to not fall asleep in my night class I drank two cups of coffee and was wired for a while. So on the way home after my Nightclub 2-step class I grabbed a forty and drank it...
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wooooooow...what a story!
oh..and you are sooo sweet! I am so happy you liked my makeshift set!
So my roommate got sent home from work the other day since she was sick, and then she spent the whole next day in bed. Finally, she came downstairs and asked me to look at her tonsils...ya we had to go to the hospital and it turned out she had tonsillitis. Kinda screwed up our Veteran's Day plans, but at least she's feeling better.
aww man that's fucking lame.

Hope she feels better soon!
Hmmm..yeah I could see how the whole contacts falling out thing could be weird. I LOVE FERRETS! I have had Five of the lil furry bastards...
I LOVE the look of a house after a night of drinking! Wandering around the house, hungover and seeing a story in every tipped over glass and open liquor bottle, it's like a piece of art. On mornings like that, I don't want to clean anything up, because I want to preserve the mess. The best is when you don't remember the last hour of...
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I've actually never looked at it that way. I usually get annoyed with all the red cups blowing around.

Gives me a different perspective.
Ya, so last night my friend whose wife left him a couple months ago went out for his last night in Chico before he moves and we had a great time. Then at the end of the night, we decided to get some coke, which I had never done before, with a couple of female friends of mine. Then they said that the mirror that...
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So I've been neglecting my SG Profile for a while, and I decided the other day that I'm going to start blogging and communicating on it more often. So I just finished my Italian Test and now I've gotta play catch-up with my Education Classes frown I can't wait to be done with my student teaching. But, I just downloaded the new episode of How I...
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Good show
So I just got back from a 2nd Saturday celebration in Sacramento whilst catching up with an old friend from Community College. It was Legendary, but we started a little early and were ready for bed by like Midnight. The last bar of the night, everyone was freaking out because of how crowded it was, and all i could think is "This isn't even that...
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So my internet's finally back up. Turns out that if you keep your modem and your router too close together for too long, static can build up and slow you internet WAY down. But anyway I'm back, and my general thoughts on the last few weeks...work sucks and having no internet sucks!!!
No one ever get ClearWire internet! This is the first REAL internet access I've been able to get in almost a week. Most the time, even when it is working (for maybe an hour a day), it's as slow as dial up! I hate coming home for the summer, but it's the only place I can work for three months and still get paid well.
So, I am new to SG. I am a recent graduate of California State University Chico (yes the party school). I have a degree in Math Education and am starting the credential program in the fall. I'm a huge fan of Punk, Ska, Emo and Indie, and spend most of my free time watching my favorite movies and tv shows when I'm not hanging out...
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