My father is doing this thing again where he constantly talks about these "great" things my bro in law does while ignoring all the stuff I do. Its really fucking pissing me off. In the past six months I think everyone I that is supposed to give a shit about me has fucking stabbed me in the back in one way or another. I literally...
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I would like to thank wawa for my extra mocha cappucino which kept me from ending up going down an embankment after falling asleep on i95. Despite that I still fell asleep as soon as I got to bed.

Anyway Corin Tucker rocked my world. She is probably about 5'3 and sings like she is 10 feet tall.

On another note I have...
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I'm really tired of all the people in my life. Its just that none of the relationships are positive. I thought I could really invest myself in my exgf, I was even considering marriage but I guess that was a mistake. I don't know where else to go. It doesnt make sense but I dont really have a desire to begin dating again. I just...
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I think it would be good to distance yourself from people. Maybe try it again with your ex after some time apart? It might help to regain some energy and have another go-around.
I realize that I have really bent over backward to do some things for people and I got no appreciation from them. Is it foolish of me to expect that? I dont know. I just gave 2 weeks notice about leaving my shitty job and my jackass boss thought I was leaving a week earlier than I told him. I didnt want to give him...
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I was on a long drive yesterday and had a lot of time to think. I realized that I really haven't that none of my relationships ( friendships included) have been satisfying for about 6 months since I broke up with my gf. It doesnt really depress me because that has been going on all along. Its just more of a question of what it...
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Thats where I work!! tongue ..........what will you be doing there?..........eat at little pigs.............its a tiny bbq place oink
awesome - hope to run into this Saturday then!
I went to see a friend over night on Friday. To sum it up, it just wasnt fun. If I was define friendships by how they acted then I would have very low standards for what I would call friendships. I guess everything went well until another friend showed up and then I started to become the butt of jokes and personal comments. This has...
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Feeling a big nervous lately. But ready to get out of my old routines. I want to get out do things more and meet some new people. I've decided to break off an old friendship and it feels said but also like its right. Maybe ready to start dating again.
Out with the old and in with the new...................may the force be with you buddy kiss
This is just the tip of the iceberg but I have really only told one person and this is a big deal. Exgf shows up at J's daughter's first birthday party. That was expected. What was unknown is how would it hit me. It was very stressful and she stayed for at 4 hrs and 15 minutes. I tried to stay longer so she wouldnt...
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I'm so sorry..that sucks. they could've told you she was invited at least. that's kinda mean to not even warn you.

sometimes you gotta split off and just make new friends . its hard..but its better then suffering.

ps: in question to your post on the forum..I think you look fine with longer or shorter hair. it's about how YOU like it.
I'm feeling rather fed up with this city, this routine that I have and the people in this fucked up city. Southern hospitality is fucking bullshit when its about Bitchmond. I gave in and applied for a job in Northern Virginia. There are many things that I dont like it about that place but I need to look at the big picture and it would...
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Oh dang, that's drastic. Los Angeles isn't necessarily the friendliest place on earth, but there are enough freaks to be entertained day and night. smile
So freaky...........me and my hubby are tired of this town and the job market so we have been looking in Raleigh****plays theme of the twilight zone*** surreal maybe its something in the water in VA?? tongue
In less than 48 hours I will be "confronting" my ex gf at my friends daughters 1st birthday party. The situation is, as it stands now, that I am very pissed off at her and have legitimate reasons for being that way. I do not want to create a scene or have a public arguement at this party. I do want to be true to...
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Its rare for me to update at this time of day but I had some things on my mind. I guess in a way since I broke up with my gf, I have sort of been living like a monk. Living in seclusion in a sense, staying away from potential relationships, etc. I have basically been devoid off physical contact completely, not just sex. I...
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