*slaps round face*

It is nothing to do with you! It is other people! She doesn't want you to be upset if things don't work out! She knows what a big, sensitive, cuddly toy you are and the last thing she wants is to be responsible for hurting you! (Text is never, ever, never permissible but likely she was just caught out.)

Either a) pick yourself up and keep going because NOW, right now, right this VERY MOMENT is when you can make some progress, right when it hurts.

or b) don't there's no law that says you have to keep going and if you don't feel the stomach for a) this is cool too. Just leave the whole thing to cool off like a hot potato. Angrily saying 'to hell with all of it women are evil!' would help too! Just as a temporary measure.

And remember I'm around. Now let's get you stood up and dusted off and ready to face off what's next. You want a break come down here and I'll buy you a frigging beer and we can lech at rock chicks in the purple turtle. Genuine.
Heh. Whatever's best dude. But just remember you have options.

And I never hit on a girl in a bar ever. The secret of my success? Internet dating of all things. It's a good thing overall. I am far more a personality than a looks guy and I can't judge that by looking.

To be fair, you sound better already.
Isn't it typical I wrote a big journal entry for today whilst I was working and I e-mailed it to my home address - I get home and my e-mail is playing funny beggers!

Basically I'm toying with asking someone out... I know after the last few months that's a really dumb idea yet it's still in my head... I'll update when I get my...
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Then just concentrate on the Worst Case Scenario. And make it really bad.

1) Real life would be very unfortunate to actually mimic the WCS
2) If it does at least you are prepared for it and can be smug about that
3) If you can't even handle thinking about the WCS that's a warning sign in itself.

Good luck and happy thinking!
man the women must be crazy in your aprt of the world. The right one will come along. I am trying to be on a diet.... not to lose weight, because I eat bad food all the time. Its so hard but I get about 0 nutirents or vitamins eeek
Some random facts...

1) I just made scrambled eggs in the microwave for the first time ever... the future is here!

2) I get so tired lately frown

3) I spent 150 on DVDs at amazon.com a few days ago! I bought Smallville Season 1, Smallville Season 2, Batman Begins (Deluxe Edition), Batman: The Motion Picture Anthology (8-disc Box Set), Elektra (Unrated Director's Cut), Land of...
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I saw Lynda Carter, live, in Chicago (the musical). Hot damn she's tall. And hot. Still. How's life?

[Edited on Oct 19, 2005 7:06AM]
I know there's not a lot of people who stop by here any more but on the off chance I should apologise for the lack of updates.

There's lots of negativity around me at the moment and I hate to post what would essentially be hate-fuelled bile...

So until I get my head together just some smiley faces...

smile smile smile
hate fuelled bile is seriously one of the best things I have ever read. I stop by here wink
Well I guess it's update time...

The new tattoo seems to have healed nicely - the only downside is that I really want another one now! But I'm going to give it the same amount of consideration as I gave this one... actually that's not true as I always wanted to get a tattoo before I was twenty... then I sort of lost a decade...
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I want some guests first.

Then I'll think about content. I'd like something different and maybe an old fave. So Evil Dead 2 would be a definite possibility for the latter. As for the former... hmmm.

EDIT: Of course as a friend you are welcome to attend if you are able. It would be good to see you at last! biggrin

[Edited on Sep 27, 2005 12:51PM]
my family never pretend to be nice and functional. Going in public with them always ends up a disaster.... I love them though (its the geordie way) wink
Okay no more about the girl... well maybe a bit. I haven't seen her in a week and I feel better about the whole thing... of course come Monday when I see her I'm not sure how I'll feel...

But onto other things... I was nervous as hell today but my new mantra is fear is good as it's something to overcome... so today I...
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I have a frog on my leg, butterfly on the back of my right hip and a lady beetle just near my lower abdomen smile
I saw it Ringu before there was h ype also.... i almost shat myself. eeek
I'm not proud of this and I've gone over it elsewhere on the internet but I guess this is my blog and I should cover this...

I had an epithany on Monday... over the past few months I'd built this thing with the girl up inside my head so much that I needed to get it out there (I've been attracted to her for eight...
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It's where you're not looking for it, when you're not really expecting it, and it won't be like you imagine. It'll be way better.

And if it's not, then it's wrong.

You want out of a rut hammer at the spokes till the wheel falls off...

Good luck. smile

And maybe I could have put it a little better. wink
I hope you are feeling better kiss
Today's observation - If you don't update for a long time you can look back at what you said you were going to do and feel incredibly bad about being a complete coward and not sticking to your plans... I didn't send the flowers to the girl frown

My life is currently at an unhappy juncture and although it will make me sound vain the only...
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send the flowers!!! I havent read any clive barker recently but i ususally gobble them up. they are a kinad of 2 sitting books. you cant put them down! smile
just stopped in to say hi. kiss
About a week ago I had this strong desire to try and make my life better... maybe it's my mid-life crisis creeping up on me early (after all I will be turning 30 next year). Anyway I basically realised I'm unhappy... actually that was no great realisation but you know the first step is admitting you have a problem and all that jazz! But still...
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given the fact that you're not sean, i'd hedge your bets and go as yourself. tongue
awww... you are soooo sweet blush you have excellent taste in films and tv I also love weaveworld and imajica...they are 2 of my favorite books smile I hope everything goes well with the girl in your office wink
Okay I'm terrible at updating... really I am... I could apologise for not being a good jounal-keeping kinda guy... but it would be redundant because it will still be an age between my apology and the next actual update!

My excuse this time is that whilst I was in the States I picked up Volumes 1 & 2 of the the Marvel Masterworks hardcover Uncanny...
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The Mallrats X screening was great. I wished the Q & A portion could've gone on a bit longer.. it seems like everyone was just warming up and suddenly it was time to go! I found Lee, London and Mewes especially entertaining.

I'd also like to see the alternate cut of Mallrats. Kevin talked about it, but he didn't mention anything about including it on the DVD.

Now that I know what to expect of Vulgarthon, I'm looking forward to it as well.

Hmmm... drinking is your vice?? You and I may get to be good friends!!! biggrin

If you don't update, we forget to comment...

Glad to see all is well. biggrin