i love riding to work because the journey is always such an adventure. like, if u catch the train then it's like, 'ho hum, here I am, on the train, going to work', and if, on the rare occasion, a fellow commuter catches your eye it's like, 'ho-hum, so you're here too, catching the train to work'.

If you're riding, on the other hand, the...
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you've got gears?

dont recall George of Avant
Scotty eh! man that guy sure scarfed those pharmaceuticals
...we got along quite well though when we were both at Zip.

Riding is all the more beautiful when you dont have some despatch jerk yelling at you

"i havent got anyone else and you're the closest" tongue
love this town im in, love stepping out of fast flash italian risorante on king street and seeing crazy unbelievable folk wandering streets and all different souls and paths stretching off in all directions ad infinitum...

love this season, love walking home in tshirt and still feeling hot, love the concept of learning to surf and our beaches and sand between our toes and feeling...
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yknow i was thinking today how much i love it in Melbourne,dude i dont miss Sydney at all.....well i miss some of you guys but on the whole......yayaya.

i got some new hoodies printed up through this guy,they ended up a little sketchy but we'll get that sorted out coz id like to stick with using them, on principle...its all good.
I only got 10 done, 2 of which will end up in Sydney,so you should see Kettle and Floyd stylin it up around the traps soon, like maybe at the Clare next Friday???

yeah man, c'mon down smile

[Edited on Nov 18, 2004 2:24AM]
finally kiss the floor and accept grief as part of joy, unholy necessity - oh, what WILL become of the human race but more: what is NEXT for the human race? For death unholy necessity of life, and uphold mystikal circle of life and yep yep rebirth, although uncharted and uncircumnavigated...run with wolves and dingoes, unabridged energy until at least the next set of traffic...
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finally..the end of monday

its all downhill to the weekend from here.

really should get into bed but i love the night...mellow beats...tea...i could stay up and chill out all night.

id love to be out in orange right now, or in the country anywhere, or near a beach, feeling the balmy night all aound me.

what you all doin for new years?
I've been trying to forget about newyears...
I have a bad habit of making it out to be more then it really is then getting dissapointed when I don't end up doing something fantastic.
I want to spend it with the guy I'm seeing James... I really just want a date for newyears... I don't know when I became so pathetic? I suppose not knowing many people out here causes you cling tightly to those you do.
Alas... he doesn't want to commit to anything... mad
So...probably Bondi Beach!
yeah id love to be living out budsh or near the water, summer is great for that
stupid city.
went to see The Lion King tonight. it was pretty spectacular.bit of a family day today, caught up with mum, went to see my grandparents who are both in their late 90's, Pa's just had a hip replacement so he's keen to come riding with me now.

missed out on the newtown fistival so missed out on hooking up with any fellow SGers but cant...
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just got home from work...2.30am...dropped in for a beer at the coopers wnd bumped into my friend Mick who is a great old skool moto courier, we drank then moved to the Courthouse and there I met a really nice gal called Tiffany. There we chatted and drank together and watched Life and then we went to the evil Zanzibar. Then I walked her home...
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well...success. some pics from my holiday to port douglas. the highlight was scuba diving on the great barrier reef. a real life-changing experience...so alien.

really want to get my diving license now.


It's about summer down your way isn't it???

must be nice X-mas at the beach!!!
I was in Oz and part of Greenpeace and The wilderness society when much of great barrier reef and more was made national park and this and that was protected. It was very unexpected on my behalf. Nature in Oz is so neglected by Howrd Govt. Although lots of great things like the above happened so maybe he's not all bad.
Get that diving license, battler!! wink
that's it. im so hyped to buy a motorbike. i've got my eye on a bmw f650 gs which is a cross between a road bike and an offroad bike. which is perfect for the riding i want to do, weekend trips away, up and down the coast, up to qld, down to tas, out to the desert...

not a bad day today, went nice...
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i hate when it rains, it means i gotta get a taxi to work, cus i usually would walk
bah to that!

[Edited on Nov 10, 2004 11:49PM]
ha! just got off the fone to my good mate illbill...we used to courier together in sydney for a few years. what a man...he started his own fashion label called Lycanthropy Athletic, sportswear for the dark side. there are pubs and poles all over sydney that still sport the stickers and whenever i see them it gives me a little thrill.