Dragon Boat Season is done... one last party to go
then it's time to start working on next season *sigh*

SG Thanks for keeping me entertained kiss
Today is my first day of summer holidays. It's only a week so I am going to make the best of it with a road trip to Calgary, Banff, Jasper with a stop at the Columbia ice fields, and home lovely Kamloops. There will be hiking, vsiting friends, shopping, MC'ing a wedding, wonderful site seeing.
thanks for your support on my first set! wink wana be a SG nooooow smile
Thank you for the lovely comment on my set sweetheart. kiss
oh life has been busy but i catch a cold and i'm stuck doing nothing i find my self at SG for hours on end. Oh it was nice to catch up. Thank you friends ladies hell everybody.

Next week is another burlesque show in Kamloops and this time I've got VIP tickets so i can show up early and get a good spot.

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Hello. Nice to meet you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR YOU AWESOME FRIEND YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Thanks for the comments on my new set. It means a lot! Hope you have a wonderful day!

I'm heading to Vancouver this weekend.

Not too much planned as i've got a dragon boat coaching course all Saturday but i still get to be downtown with fashionable city folk (that's you)

I will be at Fluevog, Sephora, and Lulu

So sexy people where should i go for coffee, cocktail, dinner?
Burlesque show tonight in Kamloops... looking forward to it.

its at the blue grotto if you are in or near kamloops
good show
one every month... its looking like a good year for Kamloops
Just got back from Billy Bishop Goes to War... Pretty good theater production.
interesting story told with some pizzas.

I admire peoples ability to entertain. Something i wish i could do

all you entertainers Thank You
logically it was the best decision... it doesn't matter i still miss that cat. I don't care who you are you'd love this cat. yeah I'm sad. so January 29th was his last day and the first day for the skull vodka. For those around the world Skull Vodka is a Canadian made Premium vodka in a skull shaped bottle where each bottle is numbered....
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Now I do love comic book stories and i play comic book adventure games but I'm not a collector or avid reader... i know one of my shortcomings but any ways i loved the Green Hornet movie. Saw that last night and it was good. I'd pay the $13 buck again. One of the great parts was the silly story lines and conflict between the...
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First boxing lesson today... it went great. Lots to work on but what a good work out. I'm going to have much fun with this new hobby.