WTF mate!?

Ok, so totally today was the first day of class and I've never seen so many people around in my life, it was crazy, it was like a circus, there were even venders as far as the eye could see, the Quad was so packed I felt claustrophobic, OUTSIDE... But so far so good.. aside from what has obviously become an over population...
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well here I am again.. a little over a month later and I've come back because... well fuck, I don't even know why, because I kept feeling like maybe I was missing out on something, but I don't know what. Like maybe there was some ridiculous post somewhere that I couldn't respond to, or some set of pictures I thought I'd like to look at.....
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Here's the deal.

managing money while in school:
-work around 20 - 30 hours a week
-you may have to take a smaller course load and be there longer, but without debt.. ti will be worth it
- take out student loans as a last option
- cook more for yourself instead of eating out
- find the cheapest place you can to live
- etc.

you prolly knew all this, but idk what to say.
well.. my time here is almost up... I've done my best, I've talked on forums, I've tried to be sociable with people, and I still haven't made a single friend, so I'm afraid once my membership is up this week, I'll be gone.. maybe I'll come back sometime, but.. I just don't have the money anymore, nor does it seem like it's worth my time.....
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I was up all God damned night, so typically I have to work all damn day... it's 5:50AM... I was feeling good yesterday, but I haven't been this fucking miserable in awhile... I feel like dying.. and I don't know what to do.. and I'd go into more details if I thought anyone fucking cared.
I can be a real ass sometimes.. I accept that as part of my personality, but I do try to avoid it whenever possible.. I think most times I ends up becoming a defense mechanism.. Like for example if I am angry at someone, I am notorious for being passive aggressive, being a jerk, and not outright angry.. I think it's a way for me...
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I do have a job now, did I mention that before? In retail, aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! But.. it's not so bad, it IS money after all.. I bought these swanky black shoes to walk around in and all that.. they were on sale for 15 dollars, woo.. I wanted to buy these cool London Underground shoes... they were bitchin', but also fucking expensive. I work at Kohl's...
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Well... Are things any better? Does anyone care? I'm not even sure I do. I am learning more and more that the more problems you painstakingly get rid of, the more seem to pop out of fucking nowhere.. And the more serious they seem to get as well. Like I get rid of problems I thought were a big deal, but the ones that follow...
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Everything sucks.. I think that about sums it up.. every time I try to think of a rant or a complaint rationally, it just gets garbled up. I used to be quite good and writing down everything that's bugging me, but I can't even seem to do that anymore..
School is finally over with.. although I find myself already making a schedule for next fall, and wishing I was starting next week. Something about the summer just bugs me. I am normally a type of person who would love to just sit around and do nothing, but the thought of so much inactivity really makes my stomach churn. Thus far, finding a job has...
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For the love of all that is good and right in the world, I have this huge paper due tomorrow... and I just started it today and I am so sick of it already.. only 9 more pages left, only 9 pages left... and yes, I have had 10 WEEKS to do it, and I'm starting it now, because I'm a fucking retard!.