Currently Watching: The Virgin Suicides

So I've been sewing the coolest thing lately. After my last dress bombed I decided to start on a red metallic tube dress (in the essence of Karen O)--Speaking of Karen O, I read this interview where she said she's not crazy on stage anymore...I'm not sure how I feel about this...I really enjoyed watching her antics...plus the music was...
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virgin suicides is a great movie and book. i wanna see some of these clothes you design. we don't have to many religious nuts where i live. instead i live smack in the middle of town and county full of rich pricks, and me being nowhere near rich it's awkward sometimes. lots of stuck up i'm better than you types. don't know if i'd rather have that or the creepy friendlies. definetly keep on the twilight zone one of the best genre shows ever.
i love buying new jeans, but their never REALLY new, their almost always thrifted, I just can't succumb to paying lotsa mula for pants. and YAY for sewing smile
Currently Watching: The Twilight Zone

This weekend was pretty dull. I went to the mall, didn't buy anything. Miranda bought leopard print creepers which are really cool and she bought me a cd. I also had the creepiest thing happen to me. So we got a vanilla freeze from the coffee shop in the mall and sat down on a bench to just people watch...
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Well, you know what they say about assumption... I won't spell it out!
never been that close to arkansas. when i was a senior in high school me and some friends drove down to florida for spring break. we drove through tennesee and georgia thats really been my only exposure to the south. the people were very friendly but you know there's eveil lurking behind those eyes, like twin peaks or something wink have you ever seen the twilight zone episode called the monsters are due on maple street? it's about these aliens who use panic and fear to completely unglue this neighborhood. such a relevant episode even now.
Currently Listening to: Mash-Ups, Blondie VS The Doors

I am going to clean my room tonight. This should not be exciting but then again you guys have not seen my room. It's filthy and it will be sooo nice to have a clean space. Let's see what else? I'm thinking of getting a tattoo soon. I have some options...I want to start with something on...
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all good choices my personal fave being the beach girl vs. the monster one though.
Hope you had fun cleaning your room..... yeah..... fun....... ok......

I dont have a tattoo. So taking advice from me would probably be a bad idea. blackeyed
Currently Watching: Graveyard Tramps

Today I went to Vintage Stock and bought new controllers for our Nintendo. Now I can play Fester's Quest and Friday the 13th (which I have never beat!)--Seth gets paid like in three days so were thinking of buying a PA...we have a coupld of mics but no PA. God everyone should watch Graveyard Tramps. I just did and it's fucking...
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they cover so much stuff in rue morgue. i just read that you were gonna be playing friday the 13th for nintendo well last month they did a feature on old horror video games and that was one, along with texas chainsaw for atari, nightmare for nes all kinds of stuff. they covered the remake trend from an actual critical point of view, really good stuff.
oh yeah also picking evil dead for a mystery science night is lame thats a horror classic no matter if it's cheezy or not.
Currently Listening to: Lonesome Town by The Cramps

frown I suck at posting pictures...I wish I were a computer genius! Other than that I have found my fave new thing in the world. Pandora...it's a website that customizes music for you for FREE! So today I'm like I want to do some music discovering so I google that idea and it comes up with Pandora. So...
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ummmmm.... whats wrong with R.E.M?.... I guess you just dont appreciate good music!......... just kidding! tongue
yeah silent hill does have alot of computer animation in it and i'm with you on the anti-animation thing. that said though they actually did a really good job with most of it in the film. especially when it came to just enhancing the look of the film. yeah fangoria is ok but they do focus on alot of stuff i could care less about. the last issue of rue morgue, the cover story was about erotic european horror from the 70's. i don't know any other magazine that would devote their cover to that subject, stuff like that is why i love it so much. netflix is great, i love the mystery science theatre series as well, i wish they were still making new epsiodes.
So hmmm I am updating my SG Page because I haven't slept and don't plan on it so I figure hey why not update. So I'm thinking I need to start dieting and working out. I really wish I was just blessed with some amazing body like Quinnes but it just didn't happen that way. Last night Miranda and I went to the mall for...
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Well, True Romance is an early '90s film, and I find the period between 1980 and 1995 hard to watch in general. The film quality is generally worse than older movies, and it isn't in True Romance or a lot of others, but it's just the general feel I get. It's also sort of a ganster movie, and I'm not usually into that. It's just the fact that somehow I perceived it as "gritty" and there are a lot of others on my queue that I'd wanted to watch a lot at the same time. Now that I have to type it out it seems silly, and there really wasn't this much thought put into it when I made the decision to skip over it a few times, but here you go. eeek
ha your slit your wrists comment cracked me up. i'm in amuch better mood now though. that sucks you don't have any conventions out there. do you have netflix? they have a ton of horror on there and alot of non-mainstream stuff. definitely look into rue morgue it's such a well written look into horror and smart about horror too. you can get it at borders or barnes and noble the only minu sis it's alittle pricey but to me it's worth every penny.
Hey. Today I watched True Romance for the first time and realized what I have been missing. Other than that I cleaned my closet, which I always love because I find so much shit that I did not know that I owned. Plus, it's fun to go through all of my records. I own 376 now. Last night I listened to The Platters, Johnny Cash,...
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what another wierd coincidence...i watched true romance for my first time about 2 weeks ago and thought the very same thing. it was even cooler to see it since i grew up in the burbs just outside of detroit. it brought back some good memories of ditching school and roaming the streets of the big city.

my next set? well, we were going to redo the tool girl idea, but ditched it when missy said she wanted to see more bedroom sets. so thats what it'll be.
True Romance is one of my favorite films. The "type" of film it is turned me off for watching it so long that I'm ashamed. It's amazing and I slap myself for waiting so long.

Tears for Fears and Human League are the best '80s bands, well. besdies the Cure and the Smiths of course.
skull I did some much needed internet shopping today. I bought two pairs of Jellies from Urban Outfitters (Red and Black), a new pair of vans (that are really awesome), a shirt from Sourpuss that has a Zombie Girl on it...it may not sound cute but it is smile and some jewelry from Girlprops...Ahh I love shopping. The Red Sox just hit a home run...Go Red Sox!...
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This gives me a stark realization I need new clothes. The ones I have now are falling apart--literally. I had to sew up a pair of pants about 5 inches above the knee to the fly a few days ago. Anyway, don't forget to post pics of course when they come your way. bok
yeah working at a theatre sucks i've been there way too long. thats so typical that you were accused an dit was the managers doing it, that kind of thing happens so much. from your entry sound slike you have some good fashion sense!!!
HaPpY EaStEr--Well Fort Smtih was okay for me. Miranda found nothing at all. I found some clothes, some cluster earrings, a Love and Rockets record (45 with So Alive on it)- it was a pretty decent trip. Then we headed to Monte Ne to do some test pics so we could get a feel for where she's going to be shooting her set. At least...
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no i dont play any instruments. i was a vocalist in a metalcore band from 2000-20002. being in a band was alot of fun and something i miss alot.
vans fucking rock! i just bought some that are little polka dots smile
Tomorrow Miranda and I are going thrift store shopping in Fort Smith. I only have like 20.00 but Fort Smith is a lot cheaper than Fayetteville. I really want some vintage Luggage and some records. I'm learning how to use a Moog and I'm getting an Organ in a couple months so I want to find really old songs and revamp them. My bf...
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yeah i've seen the making of devils rejects it's really fascinating how it all came together. i'm the same as you with rob not really into the music very much but really enjoyed the first two films. you're learning to use a moog huh, that is really cool. the possibilites are endless. hope your band comes together sounds like a cool idea!!
I don't know what a moog is.... but I'm sure you'll play the hell out of it! Seriously, good luck with the band!
Ahhhh I need to take a shower. I got a new t-shirt from Hot Topic (I've dealt with the cheez factor) but it's a cool shirt...it's sheer, tight-fitting, and has Elvira on it. That's good in my book. I'm going to go to Blockbuster tonight and get The Devil's Rejects and Weird Science. I also need to finish reading the new Cosmo...I don't really understand...
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Thank you!! Horror rocks my socks.
Actually, I seem to be in a bad pop phase right now, so I'm getting my fair dose of crappy tv... Though really, it's probably just intense boredom... god, there's nothing to do here...
Hey guys. Wolf Creek was pretty good but it took a long ass time to pick up. My dog is sick, she's acting weird. She won't move and she's really lethargic. I'm going to take her to the vet tomorrow. I've heard Dachshunds are prone to back problems and kidney disease but I don't think it's anything like that. I hope not. frown

Really i wasnt that big of a fan of the faint untill i saw them live... i really liked the monitors they had playing while they were playing it sorta reminded me of radiohead. I hope your dog gets better.
wolf creek was pretty good. i enjoyed the fact that the took the time in the first half to build the characters. alot of horror flicks wouldn't do that. i hope everything will be ok with your dog!! smile