I popped my head up over the cube wall and yelled "Hey! Donald! Lili's up to a Level 4!"

Donald has six children. The logistics of packing for and moving six children out of the way of Mother Nature must be staggering. He left early that day.

Immediately the subcurrent of anticipation and dread that a hurricane brings jumped up a few volts. A few...
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helooo!!!! anybody there???
i'm going to be in NO this week. doing any djing?
The jukebox suddenly leapt into an old Elvis Costello song - Goon Squad, from the album Armed Forces - and the bartender punched the wall. I didn't see what he hit but it must've been the kill switch. The jukebox shut down. The President was on.

I swore that I would have a scotch on rocks in my hand when the President announced the start...
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Somehow I've found it again.

I don't know what it was - the raging party on Saturday, the impending war, the fact that I've broken free from the work-sleep-work cycle for the past few months, all the experiences, all the people - hell, maybe it's this damn Ted Leo CD that I can't stop spinning - but I! am! writing! again! and it feels good....
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go speed racer, go! austin must be fun as hell when it's not sxsw... i'l prolly never know though.
Duty demands that I follow my, how do you say, bidaily? bidiurnal? update schedule, but I can say little. I am far too busy for a full update.

Tonight is 6 hours working as a roadie for the Mooney Suzuki / Raveonettes show. Then it's home, four hours of sleep, and then up again to sweep and clean my room and prepare for a large...
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i think the sign is about not lighting your farts on fire -- right?

hey did you make it to carissa's wierd? you were on the list...

cabbage goalie? huh? hope the raveonettes were good.
I noticed Yvette plaing with the chain around her neck, she's the sort who prefers just an edge of chrome to her metal so this was nothing new. Later she took it off and said, here, see : engraved on the medallion was her nickname. Evilette. This is all you need to know about Yvette.

We were sitting around a table discussing exactly how we...
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Jessica is wise even if she doesnt always seem to know it or even if she doesnt follow her own advice all the time. Ive never been able to talk to her outside of a social setting or even while sober but Im familiar with her. I think she is wise because she writes. She makes herself write. She does so often, and she does...
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i went there yesterday and it was fun, i would have said lets meet somewhere, but it was really more for my friend jay to visit new orleans (hes never been) so i really didnt want to make the trip about me.
it may have seemed like i was disparaging the golden loveliness that is deep-frying, but i would never desecrate the culinary traditions of the South wink Especially when it gives us such things as krispy kremes and kfc wink
Lori was kind enough to let me into the building today. She had to work long hours but so does everyone.

She was endlessly fussing with her hair, the fog outside makes every hairstyle not reinforced with wax and egg whites go limp. She's checking and rechecking every piece fo clothing she has for lint or stains, retouching her makeup like an obsessive-compulsive beauty queen....
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what a playlist, lovely...
want me to try to get you in to the c.w. show?
aren't they playing with iron and wine in n.o.???
Theres a point in sleep depravation where your head hurts and your eyes are coated with fatigue but you cant sleep. You cant. Thats where I am right now. Cant sleep.

Hortons hair is red. This took us all by surprise.

Hed been shaving his head for the past ten years. Ive only known him for a half year but even for me it came...
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that's a lotta drinks.

i watched "prez"'s speech for about thirty seconds, and when he started lying about how his job is to protect the constitution and that's what he does, i turned it off. probably closer to 20 seconds.

get some sleep, and drink lotsa water!
Lundi Gras, I had to work. And then it rained all day and it was miserable. As I was slated for a party the next day I did nothing, and enjoyed it.

Woke up the next morning at 7 AM sharp. The second line parades often start at 6 AM, so I got on the saddle and attempted to find one. No luck, although I...
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careful with mdma, friend. and thanks a lot for the excellent history of the beads!

more stories please.

what about the "girls gone wild" bus?!?!?
I know this entry is long but everything is happening to everyone right now, thats what its like down here, and theres plenty to discuss. Well be back to normal come Ash Wednesday but steam on for now.

I ended Friday night by updating my user profile. It was something to do and I wasnt tired just yet. On most I was deliberately silly but...
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Next time, you should make a move with the girl on the coach, friend. You're smart and interesting as hell all you need is some confidence and you gotta start somewhere. I'm old and ugly now but interesting and I have confidence and it gets me all sortsa places I didn't get when I was young and way better looking. That is my old geezer advice for the day!
explain to me this whole bead thing, please please please -- is it just that drunk people like shiny colorful objects or is there more to it?
The Krewe of Muses is known for excessive and immodest generosity, totally unlike their namesakes, who withhold inspiration until a certain level of suffering and sweat has been reached. They load their floats with every bauble imaginable and dispense to all. Young, old, male, female, naked or no. It doesnt matter. Go to a parade run by the Muses and youll leave styling like Mr....
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that was the winner of the haiku contest that even i didn't know was happening! it's just too great not to win a prize.

so what would you like?wink
Dude-- I am soooo freaking jealous you won the unintended haiku contest!!! Isobel is one of the raddest chicks on here, now I hate you (just kidding.)

I like your 'NSync dream. I have been having very vivid and intense dreams lately -- I think when you get off on different sleeop schedules you remember your dreams better 'cause you're more likely to wake in the midst of or right after r.e.m.

Have you hopped on a Girls Gone Wild bus yet? I hear they are everywhere -- that guy who started that is like a billionaire -- that shit is so smart and so brilliant at the same time -- me I'm always stuck in the middle of those two poles I'll never make any $$!
Wednesday morning I awoke at 12:30 AM and I couldn't go back to sleep. I overheard Sarah remark that my job application had been tossed because they just couldn't understand why.

Let me explain. I applied for a weekend job at the local 'indie' movie theater, the same that Sarah works at. I applied for a job there even though I already have a job....
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