It was pythons gone wild I tell you!!
Stay classy, tuscaloosa!!!

So apparently we are going to have a second rugby sweethearts party. I dont really get the why we are having it, much les the why it is costing us all an additional $10. But I am roger-dodger on the formal wear, these people think they know formal. They dont know shit, son.
hmmm that looks gooood
Well, now it seems my rugby future is in the hands of an orthapedic surgeon, who will either let me rehab and play in the spring, or make me get surgery before I can play again.

If the latter, I have played my last match for the University of Alabama. frown
You live in T-Town!! I live just over the bridge from T-Town!! I used to work in Tuscaloosa too. I wonder if you've ever seen me around....I am not hard to spot really. I stick out like a very sore thumb.

Anywho, if you're interested in buying a personalized print and/or a bookmark you can find them here. I decided to set up a separate store for them because I think if I sell them through SG I would lose track of orders, assuming I get that many.
I would definitely autograph it for you!!!! Umm...well if you see me around I am the one with the New Jersey tattoo!!
rugby is fun!

after going bone on bone with some poor kid in tackling drills (he thought he had lost his ear for a minute, but no, just feeling in that area of his head for a little while)...I decided to flank on the side I shouldnt be flanking on and not say "hey, coach, my shoulder..." cause I didnt wanna sound like a twat...
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This house I just moved into is rediculous. aside from a couple of minor issues that make it a bit of a project, its a freakin palace. And by "project" I mean we might spend the first two-three weekends doing some minor clean up work because the previous tenants were dirty, DIRTY people. Its better than the house we got kicked out of, and I...
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No more bitching!!! I'm not going to bitch about anything that has, is or will happened to me, anymore. It all happens for a reason, and none of it is anyhing I didnt set myself up for at some point.

"The universe has a way of unfolding itself."-The black guy in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

The day after I was supposed to...
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Dude do I know you? I was having a bad day or something. But thanks for the advice and concern... :{
on the couch again

the battle buddy returns to tuscaloosa, and I return to the couch. Its better than getting my sleeping bag out under the bridge. I still cant believe I got kicked out of my fucking house. Im stuck in tuscaloosa because of legal troubles, its august, and I got kicked out of my fucking house. Yes, apparently that JUST happened. I lived...
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whats cst?
i dont think i am on that. im in california. what would that be?
Alright, I know where to find all the girls whose greatest achievment in life was getting into a sorority. Roger, I get it. Alabama has multiple fine arts programs. I know there are girls in these programs. I'm stuck here until my "troubles" are free and clear, I might as well find myself one of them. I dont need anything serious, just a "buddy". Shit,...
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dodgeing bullets

consult: $150
retainer: $1000
bail: $250
living in a country where you have a right to an attorney: priceless.
Eh not quite...

She's paying for my college out of pocket... it's a private college too.
Tu che!